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Posts posted by NeilMiddleton

  1. It's a great throw-back to the old monster movies of the 50's. If you're going to do Tremors, do one of the awful sequels. Probably Tremors 3. The worms mutate into bipedal creatures that can fly by farting fire. And it's only PG...

  2. Have always loved The Gate. When Stephen Dorff gets the eyeball in his hand then stabs it, I went insane. Come on, a death metal band's record can summon demons, what more do you want in a horror film? Well, maybe something above a PG-13 rating, but I digress.


    Gate II would be better for the podcast. They get whatever they wish for, but it literally turns to shit the next day. I'm not kidding. THAT movie is insane. An early film for Pamela Adlon (credited as Pamela Seagall) whom you'll know from Louie, Californication and (most notably) Bobby Hill on King of the Hill. Just a little trivia for ya...

  3. I'd heard good reviews for it, so when I saw it on Netflix a while back, I checked it out. Garbage. Total garbage. Not the biggest Lucky Mcee fan, but I do love Jack Ketchum. Not sure what he was thinking when he wrote this. It's actually a sequel to "Offspring" another Ketchum adaptation that was equally bad. Just avoid this one...

  4. I think Predator 2 gets a bit of a bad wrap. An underrated sequel that holds up well with the original. It does have a few problems, but I just enjoy the hell outta this movie. I was squealing at the end when the alien skull was in the trophy case. Won't go into my soul-crushing disappointment with AVP, which by the way would be perfect for the podcast. So many things wrong with that film and sadly the second film wasn't much better...

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  5. Hadn't seen this movie for about 20 years. Caught it on Netflix a while back and loved every minute of it. The only real good thing about it is the make-up effects. For such a low-budget film, they turned out alright.


    Don't forget about zombies afraid of their own reflections. Oh how I love cheesy 80's films...

  6. I actually really dig this movie, especially the director's cut, namely because the Tangerine Dream "score" is gone and Jerry Goldsmith's is reinserted. Tim Curry as Darkness is the best thing about it. Yeah, it's corny and that elf-kid or whatever he's supposed to be freaks me the hell out...

  7. Great movie. It's so bad and makes no sense at all. I've always wondered what Stephen King was on when he wrote this. I've got to go back and check this out again if only for the many cameos: Stephen King, Clive Barker, Tobe Hooper, John Landis, Joe Dante, even Mark Hamill shows up as a cop right at the beginning. This movie makes me giggle...

  8. Terrible movie, but I loved it. I just sit back and laugh my ass off every time I see it. Why all the action scenes are slow-mo montages I'll never figure out. Drained the movie of all energy. And Carpenter's score was plain annoying. But James Woods, man, I just fucking loved him in this. He makes it watchable...

  9. I used to love this movie as a kid, but now I only like it for nostalgic reasons. Unlike Scream, Craven tries to balance humor and horror and fails at both. Of course, none of the plot made much sense, either.


    I think it'd be a perfect candidate for the show. Haven't seen it in years. Might have to check it out again...

  10. I'm a little shocked I've not seen this posted before.


    This film ended the careers of director Stephen Norrington, up-and-comer Shane West and Sean Connery, who retired after appearing in this film.


    It's based on an Alan Moore comic that it shares little similarities with and gets a number of the literary characters completely wrong. It tries for twists that make no sense and are not shocking at all, because you see them coming from a mile away.


    Plus, with the popularity of comic-book-to-screen adaptations, this would fit right in. My only problem is should it get done on the show, I'd have to sit through it again. Yes, I own the DVD. It was a blind-buy. Should have listened to...well, everyone and skipped it...

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