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Nicolas Rage

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Posts posted by Nicolas Rage

  1. I'm living in student accommodation for Β£380/mo which is $580, but we get pretty much scammed by the landlords here since there's a shortage of student housing, most people wouldn't pay that kind of cash. Moving in July and will get a better deal ($445). Speaking of being a student, I'm posting so much more than usual because I've got exams coming up and am putting off doing work by going on the forums, anyone on here do Physics to degree level and got tips/is one of my lecturers and is willing to give me the answers?

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  2. Β 

    What kind of writing? TV? Movies? Novels? All of the above?


    Yeah, improv's expensive. I wonder if there is some cheaper underground shit around LA. Like what UCB was when it first started.


    They actually made a movie about this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fast_and_the_Furious_(2001_film) Had to change improv to street racing though, fuckin studios thinking about their bottom line

    • Like 7

  3. Hey sorry to drag y'all off topic, but today my uncle sent me a check for Β£120 (the Β£ means it's like dollars but British), and there's a note with it that says 'Happy Easter *My name*, with love from *My uncs name*', and the whole thing really creeped me out, he's not exactly a rich guy, and he hasn't missed my birthdays for a few years or something like that (even if he had, do it on my freakin birthday!). It's got me searching my memory for some terrible thing he did to me when I was young that I repressed and he could feel guilty about, but I can't think of anything at all! What is going on? Is this normal uncle behaviour? Please help, p.s. this isn't a bit or anything I am genuinely perplexed

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  4. I think Stars' sense of humour was different to mine, annoying because Claudia and Neil are among my favourite guests, still good songs though, and I think the ep was ok.


    The forums are really nice and that's very much a good thing, but do we have to shit on everyone who has something negative to say? Not every episode of CBB is going to work, that's the nature of improv, it should be cool to talk about that. Although having said that, commenting 'x is not funny' or being mean to the guests is not good form

    • Like 6

  5. Happy Christmas to everyone on the forums!


    I know that we're always joshing around and doing bits, but I honestly do love you guys and you've almost grown into a sort of family to me, you know?


    Right I've gotta go and make a present for my cat (like a new toy make from cardboard or something) becoz I totally forgot and my sister always makes a fuss about it...

    • Like 5

  6. The thing about Jim Parsons and what BARF said... He's certainly a smart, funny, talented dude. He's obviously self-aware. But that ridiculous show and every embarrassing commercial he mugs for it and now all the awards.... Suddenly being ironic about it seems a sad and weird defense mechanism. Like he's trying to build some cool-guy anti-hero mental buffer. If you know the show is dumb, stop doing the show. Do something else -- write a funny blog, start a funny podcast, GUEST on funny podcasts. Dude's a hack. Doing an unjoyful sitcom for the money is the definition of hack. Doing things like joyful podcasts for no money and as if no once cared is what comedy should be about.


    If I was Jim Parsons I would be like 'This show is stupid, I'm gonna go and do something more interesting and cool- wait, how much per episode? Okay, BAZINGA BAZINGA GIVE ME THE MONEY'


    And I'm a big comedy hipster

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  7. Hey, BTW everyone, if you enjoyed Claudia, or if you haven't even listened to the episode yet (like me), you owe it to yourself to check out her shorts from BBC4:

    She's so great.


    The shorts are from channel 4, not BBC4. It really doesn't matter, but channel 4 has been great at giving alternative comedians more a voice in the uk, and BBC4 is mainly documentaries about trains and Scandinavian dramas, so I wouldn't like to see them get credit for this.

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