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Status Updates posted by bradyhardin

  1. Bad guys need to stop telling people their plans b/c writers have to record it, and I think the good guys read it. #writing

  2. Aslan is on the move.

  3. Nothing is worse and more cringe-worthy than 16-year-olds saying, "I love you."

  4. Goal in life: I want to be the @JoshGarrels of Christian Fiction. Generous, unique, distinct voice, clearly centered on truth.

  5. Christians, please stop talking and praying like characters from Lord of the Rings. Just be real.

  6. “Pleasure exists to put God in my face and remind me that I was made by him and for him” @paultripp

  7. Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your… http://t.co/sNA8fbHwkt

  8. Photo: My baby boy, Helo, being adorable. http://t.co/aTmpUGL1sj

  9. This song instantly transports me to driving around with @MattAzrael. http://t.co/ohHNNWmgrv

  10. God, help us remember your Word and live out its truth. #instapray #Bible #truth #God #Jesus… http://t.co/WdR88q8W1K

  11. Helen Slayton-Hughes is a goddess on #BurningLove. I love her.

  12. My #BurningLove obsession this weekend has been very, very unquenchable. @BurningLoveJul

  13. For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of… http://t.co/PGyy6jFCA9

  14. Every book starts with a single word.

  15. Stand against sexual harassment and rape. http://t.co/c9oRaMVz2l


    #Community was brilliant tonight. Troy is too emotional so he gets help from someone w/o emotions. @RashisTVUgly, wow. #FreakyThursday.

  17. I wish this was from a real dolphin. http://t.co/3yzFywsytR
