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Everything posted by PhillipMedoc

  1. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 147 — Zouks, There It Is!

    Dude, please start keeping a journal, even if it's only once a month or something. Like actual writing, not just on the computer. My teenage diaries are fucking hilarious to me now, and it's also a really special thing to share with maah wife. I have actually scanned a bunch and was considering making a tumblr or something because teenagers are just ridiculous and messed up -- no offense to you, you're probably super cool. I was a total weirdo.
  2. PhillipMedoc

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

    And that one has Robert Z'Dar in it as well! That whole season is pretty incredible -- Puma Man, Final Sacrifice, Hobgoblins, Gorgo (with special guest Leonard Maltin), etc. Good stuff.
  3. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 147.5 — 9/27/13 TWO CHARTED 86

    Oh my shit, I haven't even listened yet and this is already the greatest thing ever. Yeah, you can't swing a dead cat (what am I saying?) without hitting a strip joint here. I've never been, not my thing, but a lot of people go just to drink and hang out. Like not just pervs but groups of friends and couples act like they're regular bars but with titties. I have heard that the Stripperoke thing is actually kinda lame but again, I wouldn't know.
  4. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 245 — Poehler Ice Caps

    "Rowdy Roddy Piper, I believe." "You don't have to believe." Glad to see other people remember The Prisoner. Tip of the hat, sir.
  5. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 147 — Zouks, There It Is!

    IT'S BEEN a while since I listened to the Twilight ones, but he definitely said he cried during Timothy Green. I was really happy to get a question in.
  6. PhillipMedoc

    The Hard Way

    Aw shit, I thought this was Five The Hard Way and we could talk about .
  7. PhillipMedoc

    Gentlemen Broncos (2009)

    So, it's a good movie and you love it? Nothing to see here, move along.
  8. PhillipMedoc

    Sliver (1993)

    If Khaela Maricich has taught me one thing, it's "get the hell out of the way of the volcano".
  9. PhillipMedoc

    The People Under The Stairs

    Well shit. My Danzig time travel movie is already in production.
  10. PhillipMedoc

    The People Under The Stairs

    I wish The Ramones did songs for all of Stephen King's movies. I can see them churning out a decent one for this, although now that I'm overthinking it, I'm going to have the early 1980s Misfits time travel and make awesome jams for horror movies released after they broke up. Actually, that's my next movie. Glenn Danzig has to travel back in time to warn his 1987 self to prevent the current Misfits lineup. And remind himself to pick up some kitty litter.
  11. PhillipMedoc

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

    Have a blast, duder. Show up early for the meet & greet -- I think they do it for every show. All of them are very genial and fine with photographs and a quick word, provided you're not crazy. Frank Conniff in particular is a delight, and be sure to say hello to Mary Jo.
  12. PhillipMedoc

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

    Yeah, I'm super bummed because they're not coming to the Pacific NW this time. I don't think I can swing a trip to San Fran just for that; I'd have to line up some other stuff. But anyone in the LA or Bay Area -- they're doing two shows on October 19th, GO GO GO! It's so worth it, if you're an MST3K fan. No joke, it was better than my first kiss with Zack Morris.
  13. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 72 — Toys

    Jarry, I just want you to know that I read all of your comments in a Bob & Doug McKenzie voice; it makes me happy and I had a hard time actually making it through your elephant explanation because I was laughing at myself so much.
  14. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 72 — Toys

    Hoo boy, the memories. I NEED that Bionic Commando one.
  15. PhillipMedoc

    Paul Scheer sells comedy to ABC

    The all-Rafi episode tonight is gonna be next fucking level. I think the networks are slowly getting smarter and seeing what's happening with cable television, web series, and streaming services. Old media needs to change with the game.
  16. PhillipMedoc

    The Fifth Element (1997)

    Ahh, poor Boots Randolph, always relegated to "that Benny Hill music". That song is Yakety Sax, though you probably knew that. You can pick up his records in the cheap bins; they're fun to throw on at parties for a bit. Here's a neat one -- Cracklin' Sax, a variation on Yakety Sax. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2DG81w88ng
  17. PhillipMedoc

    Cannibal Holocaust?

    Are you on bath salts or something? What the hell, man? No one's gonna watch this. I own the DVD for some reason and I'm never going to watch it.
  18. PhillipMedoc


    Pooping, back and forth, forever...
  19. PhillipMedoc

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

    So it appears that the rejected movie is Child Bride.
  20. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 147 — Zouks, There It Is!

    Yeah, we were talking a little bit about that in the yootoob chat. It always ends up with the white person winning something and basically being the hero, even though they're standing on the shoulders of minorities. I can't wait to watch the VPN again, it's so much fun to see Kremer work through whatever the hell is going on in his brain. And all the dancing in this episode was great.
  21. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 72 — Toys

    You're listening to too much Totally Married. And that's their business, anyways. Yep. Actually, most of the Disney games were consistently good, even on the NES. They understand the need to keep a brand's perceived quality high, unlike everyone who licensed a movie to LJN. Who thought that making a Nintendo game for kids out of Total Recall was a good idea? Or Friday The 13th? Or Nightmare On Elm Street? You gotta make the action figures, make the Underoos, make the cartoon (a Rambo cartoon, what the hell), make the shitty video game. It still happens to this day, but now most people have understand that almost all games licensed from movies are garbage.
  22. PhillipMedoc

    Mystery Science Theater 3000

    I probably do know, but can't recall. Please enlighten me?
  23. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 72 — Toys

    And hire a woman to take his son's virginity. Yeah, Ryan is right. This is unplayable within seconds. The screen starts filling up with these little bombs running at you from all sides, and your weapon fires not in a straight line but in an arc making it impossible to aim. I remember the crazy disappointment I used to get when I'd rent a shitty game as a kid, games like this. I'd try really hard to get enjoyment out of it, because I had it for a weekend or whatever. Then after a couple hours, I'd give up and instead beat Super Mario for the hundredth time.
  24. PhillipMedoc

    Episode 72 — Toys

    That would be episode 100. I could listen to her talk shit about Pete all day, she's the best. I think during sex I sound like that youtube video of the fat kid freaking out on the roller coaster. Bringing this back to Toys, time to fire up the emulator and play this piece of garbage: