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Status Updates posted by MatthewPCrowley

  1. Don't you hate when @McDonalds messes up your order? I asked for coffee but they gave me a cup of frothy swamp sludge instead.

  2. Thespian Man's backstory: bitten by the radioactive acting bug.

  3. This week's @GoodCopGreatCop video, starring the lovely and talented @RachelSachnoff: http://t.co/3tBPSvZXHT

  4. Ugh I hate the way everything doesn't always go exactly the way I want it to at all times.

  5. Read my newest piece for @TropMag, why don't ya? http://t.co/AwlVigpy1i

  6. How many more iPhone apps do I need before I'm happy?

  7. Broadway here I come (I'm getting a boil lanced)!

  8. Tootsie rolls are like methadone for chocoholics.

  9. I remember learning about Stop, Drop and Roll and fire safety and basically thinking "fuck you, fire, I know all your secrets."

  10. Life sucks but at least there's guacamole.
