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Status Updates posted by DrBeat84

  1. "It’s like a promise you make."

  2. True about most things most of the time RT @RyMacleod There's no arguments Once people have made their minds up that's that. Nobody listens.

  3. I'm such a child. Can't even hear the phrase "eating out" without sniggering.

  4. There's no Batman in the future? Count me out. #Continuum

  5. You know the medical students who go to conferences? What's their deal? #wouldntwanttobestuckinaliftwiththem

  6. Prevalence of Asperger's in the general population: 0.0002%-0.0003%; prevalence of Asperger's on TV and in movies: 2%-3%

  7. Disconcerting @thommurph by using @bethshelley's prosody.

  8. Next door's cat stole my seat... http://t.co/Rm4INIHzyP

  9. Does Zoe Chase realise that the vowels in "not" and " bad" are *different* vowels?

  10. A real eye-opener to turn up to clinic early. See nurses and support staff setting up. Without this prep, doctors would take twice as long.

  11. Truck driver waving at a delighted little boy on the bus. People are lovely.

  12. I've just realised that the ATF deal with "legal but dangerous" things.

  13. I note that @thommurph is on good form as I retire to bed. Looking forward to reading his tweets tomorrow morning. #bros

  14. Some days you wish Lacuna, Inc. was a real company.

  15. You know what's boring? The Tudors.

  16. "Disbenefit" - there's an ugly word that shouldn't exist.

  17. "noble families"? "members of the aristocracy"? It's 2013, not 1513.

  18. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art popular with shallow idiots who wear short-sleeved shirts and shorts.

  19. Filled with that bitter-sweet melancholy of having seen some friends one rarely sees.

  20. But there's just as strong a tendency in geekdom of being honest about what you *don't* enjoy and loudly complaining "Worst. Episode. Ever."
