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Status Updates posted by DrBeat84

  1. Oh, casually-dressed redhead enjoying a McFlurry, why can't I find a nice girl like you?

  2. If you don't care about electability, you may as well be shouting your policy ideas in the street.

  3. RT @HowardHughes So today I woke up. Put a suit on. At about one I had a four hour sleep in pyjamas. Woke up and reput my suit on.

  4. Look out, Damian's bumming Gove again.

  5. I wonder how many people under 30 still use "NB" when writing a reminder. I know I do.

  6. I bet Gove has time for the svartálfar.

  7. I think I've found a phrase I prefer to the standard "sharp scratch"... http://t.co/alNuBzQc3d

  8. "Remember, the first rule of Book Club: Don't Read Fight Club."

  9. But there's just as strong a tendency in geekdom of being honest about what you *don't* enjoy and loudly complaining "Worst. Episode. Ever."

  10. Filled with that bitter-sweet melancholy of having seen some friends one rarely sees.

  11. Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art popular with shallow idiots who wear short-sleeved shirts and shorts.

  12. "noble families"? "members of the aristocracy"? It's 2013, not 1513.

  13. "Disbenefit" - there's an ugly word that shouldn't exist.

  14. You know what's boring? The Tudors.

  15. Some days you wish Lacuna, Inc. was a real company.

  16. I note that @thommurph is on good form as I retire to bed. Looking forward to reading his tweets tomorrow morning. #bros

  17. I've just realised that the ATF deal with "legal but dangerous" things.

  18. Truck driver waving at a delighted little boy on the bus. People are lovely.

  19. A real eye-opener to turn up to clinic early. See nurses and support staff setting up. Without this prep, doctors would take twice as long.

  20. Does Zoe Chase realise that the vowels in "not" and " bad" are *different* vowels?

  21. Next door's cat stole my seat... http://t.co/Rm4INIHzyP

  22. Disconcerting @thommurph by using @bethshelley's prosody.

  23. Prevalence of Asperger's in the general population: 0.0002%-0.0003%; prevalence of Asperger's on TV and in movies: 2%-3%
