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Everything posted by AJValliant

  1. AJValliant

    Episode 53 — Parn's Village

    That makes so much more sense. Thank you.
  2. AJValliant

    Episode 53 — Parn's Village

    Is that Joe Piscapo is the back?
  3. AJValliant

    Episode 53 — Parn's Village

    I am really enjoying the more classic tone of this world. Sark managed to make things more grounded while keeping the exisiting thread going. And Gerry's trash talk was the highlight, fuck that Lifeboat-ass necrocoward.
  4. AJValliant

    Episode 77 — Hudson Hawk

    Zouks with the Dimello-verse side-by-side call back. I wonder if it was Gretchen or the first one?
  5. AJValliant

    Episode 258 — Yoke Jams

    There was a run in the early/middle of year that has three or four of my all time favorites. I would put Halfway to China, The pool party Whomptacular, and Time Bobby 2 against any ever. There is something about the complex story brough to completion, amazing character work, and brillant cooperation that put them on their own level.
  6. AJValliant

    Episode 258 — Yoke Jams

    BIll Callahan bringing the heat! And damn Duccas Wrecking Ball karaoke was gold. Additionally, I became irrationally angry when Pardo claimed they were on the fifth floor. I've become so absurdly invested in the shows continuity that the first floor height (though a lethal drop none the less) is a point of religious doctrine to me. Did the train of suicides that dove out that window mean nothing to him?
  7. AJValliant

    I demand a Top 20

    Though it was hard to narrow it down to ten, there were five that seperated from all of the rest for me: Halfway to China, TimeBobby 2, Poolside Whomptacular, Stallone Bros, Blow me up Tom.
  8. AJValliant

    Episode 257 — Nuts As A Pile Of Nuts

    PFT's background muttley laugh is killing me. And "putt your shoes on" needs to live on in the songdom.
  9. AJValliant

    Episode 257 — Nuts As A Pile Of Nuts

    Will Forte is all kinds of lowkey charm. And the return of the PFT's RHG...it almost heartwarming enough to make me free those drifters from my basement. Allmost.
  10. AJValliant

    Episode 51 — Star Chart

    I'm going to alter my drivers license to appear from Glinishmore. This was the best episode in a long time, maybe ever. I think what makes this show so great is the how much they obviously enjoy each others company and playing together. Of any podcast I listen to I think I have the most affection for this one.
  11. AJValliant

    Episode 8 — Who’s Got My Goo Balls?

    Tom Sharpling is the most likable instigator I have ever heard. This was great.
  12. AJValliant

    Episode 256 — Raw Copera

    I felt a bit bad he got swallowed up by the Mind/Body/Soul, as he did a great job before and during. Cameron as well. Sometimes it's hard to be a Zebra in an Elephant exhibit.
  13. AJValliant

    Episode 256 — Raw Copera

    James Adomian is like prime rib. You never really forget that it's good, but if you haven't had it in a while it's almost shocking how good it is. Damn that is one smart, funny, unique motherf***er. I am agressively open to his point of view.
  14. AJValliant

    Episode 255 — A Visit From Hee Hee-ll

    And while I don't want to start an inflamatory theological discussion, I was raised to belive the image of hell as described by the prophet "Richard Harrow's ghost".
  15. AJValliant

    Episode 255 — A Visit From Hee Hee-ll

    This was solid, chill, and pleasent. It's nice to get a lower key vibe on occasion. Good stuff. THough I did not realize MJ sounded that much like Mr Hinkie.
  16. AJValliant

    Episode 254 — LIVE from Comedy Gives Back

    While this is selfish I felt horribly teased by the tiny morsel of Don Dimello-verse that was never fully explored. I can understand why they didn't want to fully go down that road on a goodwill benefit show, but I have Andy Daly fever and there is only one cure.
  17. AJValliant

    Episode 254 — LIVE from Comedy Gives Back

    I would hire Cactus Tony to raise my children...rotwielers be damned.
  18. AJValliant

    Episode 49 — Battle Bot

    If this ended just after Halo/Mexicutioner story I still would have walked away a happy man. These guys are absolutely my theroretical friends.
  19. AJValliant

    Episode 254 — LIVE from Comedy Gives Back

    Zach, Wain, and Andy Daly as a Bonus? This is like buying my favorite cereal and finding 800$ cash and a naked picture of my highschool girlfriend as a prize*. Thank you Earwolf. You treat us real good. *From then, not now. Though I suppose that could cause legal complications.
  20. AJValliant

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    I generally don't double quote, but that was fantastic. I wasn't a huge fan the bits of Pete holmes I've heard before this, but this was great. Jason has a gift for being a comedy catalyst for derranged characters. His Bang-Bangs with Andy Daly are the absolute height of the artform.
  21. AJValliant

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    WHAT! How have I never heard of this. To the internets!
  22. AJValliant

    Episode 75 — Daredevil

    I am shocked at how fluidly Brubaker was able to riff with the crew and fit right into the tone of the show. It's nice when people you dig artistically seem chill and likeable in real life. This might be my favorite episode...only Birdemic stands rival. It's like some did a metadata search on my twitter feed and setup this podcast accordingly. And Zouk's impressed me with his comic chops.
  23. AJValliant

    Episode 253 — Fieri Fight

    In fairness Scott didn't stop us from criticizing , he just mentioned it. And given these are his friends that are appearing as somewhat of a favor his instinct to defend them is very natural. I still stand by the ettiqute of respectfully worded critique, but that doesn't mean I don't genuninely appreciate what this place offers and feel a little bad that we caused some grief for the dude that makes it happen.
  24. AJValliant

    Episode 253 — Fieri Fight

    It's like I'm being chastied by the Hulk.
  25. AJValliant

    Episode 253 — Fieri Fight

    Jon and Tim both have such odd energy that works so well for this kind of faux contentious business. That was such convoluted, awesome, interpersonal drama. I really enjoyed that. "I know that he raped a little boy".....what a magnificent counter lie.