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Posts posted by Astartes

  1. Wow it's posts like these which do make me "obsessed" with Case Closed. If you don't appreciate an interview with a comedy genius and the Ethicist then you have a lot of growing up to do. You write a post saying you don't care about my opinion then expect me to consider yours. Ugh, now you see why so few of the hosts participate in these forums.


    I'm sorry that you feel that way. While I did write one post stating that I don't value your opinion, in no way did I ask you to consider mine. If you are that offended by reading one loyal listener's opinion, maybe you can understand why I don't care for your opinion repeatedly showcased and spotlit in an unfunny manner in the middle of what is advertised as an improv comedy podcast?


    Also, who are you to say that I have a lot of growing up to do, just as a response to my not enjoying a segment on your show? Is that the open discussion attitude that you took away from your conversation with the Ethicist?


    While I will be a "two and done" poster, I have faithfully listened to Earwolf podcasts since the network's inception, and think it's pretty shitty of you to point to my first ever post as an example of why the hosts avoid the forums. Perhaps your next conversation should be with a marketing strategist.


    Farewell, comedy genius.

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  2. I can listen to literally thousands of podcasts that revolve around opinion discussions.


    I can only listen to one podcast for Matt Besser improv comedy.


    Case Closed is a good occasional segment, but I wouldn't push it, and as a topic of conversation itself, it really doesn't merit a non-humorous 35 minute discussion in an episode. Especially when the previous episode had a long verbal pissing match as well. While I love your comedy, pardon me for saying that I couldn't care less about your personal opinions on anything unrelated to comedy, as I'm pretty sure you think to yourself whenever you see a celebrity endorse a politician or some fringe cause. And I say this as a person who seems to agree with most of your opinions.


    Sincerely, thanks for all the laughs over the past 15 years. Aside from your recent Case Closed obsession I look forward to it every week.

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