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Posts posted by cameron_durkin

  1. I went to a Best Show listening party in Toronto at The Royal Cinema. Before the show we had a band do covers of "Rock and Roll Dreams'll Come Through" and "Porcupine Pie" (Billy Joel/Led Zeppelin remix), we had someone do a dramatic reading from "Weirdos Exposed," we had trailers for "My Bodyguard," "Hider in the House," "Smokey & the Bandit 2," "Class of '84" and "Deathwish 3."


    Damien from Fucked Up, Nick Flanagan and Emma from Toronto said a few words before the show. Then we all sat down in complete silence and laughed hysterically for 2 and half hours. As soon as the montage ended everyone was in tears. It was the most beautiful thing to be apart of.

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  2. This was an ABSOLUTE JOY to listen to. Nothing, entertainment-wise, has meant more to me in the last decade than the Best Show. Not only has the show been so, so, so funny to me but it introduced me to so many more funny and talented people. Also, it kind of also introduced me to podcasting... Sorry Tom.


    I'll forever be in debt to Tom, Jon, & Mike.


    The Best Show: Some will burn, all will pay!


    Oh, and thanks Jake and Daniel for doing a MORE than fitting tribute.


    Is this really orders of magnitude worse? Seriously. I'm referring to the jam at about the 8:00 mark (in Pangaea). If you like one and not the other maybe your taste is just that refined, but really? I freely concede that you need to get over the image of Gordo bobbing his head and looking like a total dork.





    It's from the Best Show. Tom plays threatens to leave the show and just play "Pangaea" (which he thinks is awful) when he's frustrated.


    People who LOVE the Best Show tend to quote it endlessly. That's what I did.

  4. This was amazing.


    "Guitar Center Rock" !



    Harris' claim that Miles Davis is "a terrible version of Phish" is just... I think the real problem in the end is that Harris has...shall I say, questionable taste? ;)


    If you like improvisational music with elements of prog, jazz, & funk, (which could describe both 70's Miles and also Phish), and you LOVE Phish while actively *disliking* the real classic 70's fusion stuff, its just a case of poor taste methinks!


    I'd love to hear a version of the show where someone (like a DJ w/ legit music knowledge -- Scharpling fits the bill) tries to convince Harris that Phish actually aren't so great, by playing him better music, like actually respectable prog, 70's fusion records, etc :D


    Just have Vance host it. Give Tom a break.

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