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Rocco Mirabelli

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Everything posted by Rocco Mirabelli

  1. Rocco Mirabelli

    Honey (2003)

    How have you not done 'Honey' yet? The movie with Jessica Alba as a wholesome hip hop dancer who has to sleep with her manager or be blacklisted in the industry. Did I mention there's a group of stereotypical urban kids doing a dance number?
  2. Rocco Mirabelli


    1st: Gina Carano isn't known for being a stunt double and American Gladiator. She's known for being one of the best Women's MMA fighter in the world before she took a break to act. 2nd: The cargo plane used in the movie is a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. It has an airlift capability, one that can carry outsize and oversize cargos, including all air-certifiable cargo.
  3. Rocco Mirabelli

    Episode 63 — Fast & Furious 6

    1st: Gina Carano isn't known for being a stunt double and American Gladiator. She's known for being one of the best Women's MMA fighter in the world before she took a break to act. 2nd: The cargo plane used in the movie is a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. It has a large airlift capability, one that can carry outsize and oversize cargos, including all air-certifiable cargo.
  4. Rocco Mirabelli

    Corrections / Omissions Fast 6

    Looks like you out a lot of time and effort into this post. Too bad none of them will probably read it.
  5. Rocco Mirabelli

    Episode 63 — Fast & Furious 6

    1st: Gina Carano isn't known for being a stunt double and American Gladiator. She's known for being one of the best Women's MMA fighter in the world before she took a break to act. 2nd: The cargo plane used in the movie is a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. It has an airlift capability, one that can carry outsize and oversize cargos, including all air-certifiable cargo.
  6. Rocco Mirabelli

    Jason Twitter Conspiracy

    I heard about this podcast from the Jeselnek Offensive. Jason was a guest during a segment called 'Defend Your Tweet' Jason had a tweet of his shown where he proceeded to defend it. Later in the show the Anthony Jeselneck said "follow Jason @jasonmanzukas and check out his podcast How Did This Get Made" Now this made me think. Is this running joke that Jason does not have a twitter just some larger conspiracy to give us another likable trait about him? Or did Jason Manzukas sell out and go along with a bit that had false information in it? I'm not saying its one or the other but I'm just asking the question. Is Jason Manzukas an alien who landed here in ancient times to study our culture, our podcasts and our twitters? Is his sole mission to see what human beings find funny, such as a running 'I don't have a twitter' joke? Did Jason Manzukas genetically engineer comedy from a lesser form of entertainment? Possibly from outer space? I don't know. Something's fishy here and I'm making it my life's work to get to the bottom of it. But I'm just asking the questions that need to be asked. It's up to you to make up your mind on the bigger issue at hand.
  7. Rocco Mirabelli

    Q&A w/ Paul Scheer Thread

    Are you as attracted to June as I am?
  8. Rocco Mirabelli

    Q&A w/ Paul Scheer Thread

    I just wanna hear Jason yell "RAFI BOMB!!!!"
  9. Rocco Mirabelli

    Q&A w/ Paul Scheer Thread

    How have you not done 'Honey' yet? The movie with Jessica Alba as a wholesome hip hop dancer who has to sleep with her manager or be blacklisted in the industry. Did I mention there's a group of stereotypical urban kids doing a dance number?