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Everything posted by kobthatreal

  1. Is it just me or does Nutmeg sound like sperms? Lol
  2. Andy you fxker you do this again n we fin scrap dawg I'm off the chain in the scrap yard u finna get decked by my trap card! Yugiohhh!
  3. kobthatreal

    Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

    And I think Boyega is gonna be awesome. If Attack The Block is any indication of how cool he can be while fighting aliens, then I'm in.
  4. kobthatreal

    Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

    How could you ever think that the VO was Yoda? Meesa think you no really Star Wars fan huh ?
  5. So I went to go see the Opera Madama Butterfly and I had already seen the Cronenberg(?) version called M. butterfly and all I can say is I like the one where the dude fucks the guy a lot better than the one where they sing in Italian.
  6. Great episode. Thanks for everything Code-E. Sean made me laff when he said Cradle 2 The Grave because that's a great DMX movie and we kind of have a history.
  7. Well what's is names, really?
  8. Paulie is my favorite bird related movie. I guess Up is bird related and that birds name is Kevin which is my name but the bird is also a girl so I don't really like that part.
  9. Yes the porn was amazing last night! So many good stuffing recipes if u know what da fuck I'm sayin my dawgs hahahahahaha stuff dat puss hole Lololol guys I'm on molly
  10. Tracy was real guud. I loved this episode. Many loffs. Few scoffs. Extra sauce plz. I like it when they argue lol it's very funny.
  11. Mommy made me mash my m&ms. Not good at music but u can use that first sentence to warm up your vocals.
  12. Bozos, what i really wanna know is who is making these major decisions regarding his financial future? I mean, we're they all born where he was? Do they know what life is like growing up where he did? Maybe his idea of society is different from the way the majority is heading. Maybe it's not so bad. In fact, there is poo poo on the floor, I'm gonna tell my dog to go fetch a switch.
  13. This is getting verrrry "one hour photo" in here. Did yall see that movie? Robin Williams is a freakin creep he creeps me out gimme the creeps in my sheets follow me through the night and he creeps in my sleeps I weep and I weep save me dear please I can say it again the dude is a creep!!!!
  14. U should just skip her and go straight to the source and bone her dad let him give u that sweet DD. Dat Dad D.
  15. Don't worry spunky, if anything me and the burnouts will take u in. We know all the cool kids and they like us but we don't even really hang out with them. (They're kinda snobbish)
  16. And yea Andrew! It did deserve more likes!!! When I thought of it I loffed a lot. So if it makes me log it has to be good!!! These people are fucking jokes man, meanwhile I'm tellin jokes. U see what's goin on here. Some flat circle type stuff. This is being written in microscopic text so I have no idea if what I'm typing is gonna work. Feedback plz.... And that doesn't mean crank up ur amp!Oh and ur post about people pictures was my first forum LOL of the week so I think we deserve each other.
  17. Charlie and Burdrulz I guess it's time for me to admit my crushes on you boys. It's mostly sexual but I do enjoy your creative sides and find them attractive also. Do u guys have tinder? I don't think ur in my 100 mile radius but I'm gonna keep trying! Even if it kills me. Hey, Bob Marley died from toe cancer, I'm sure swiping for the like can't be too good for my thumb! Charlie, I recently became hip to "fleek" about a week agoooooo(bobby shmurda ref +2 points for me) and I was wondering if you actually use it or its ironiconicolonical? I know what it means tho cause I only date 19 year old babes. Congrats on the Kibble cash. Burdrulz, make sure u let us all know when the series drops so we can give it the HHForum bump. Ana, I'm not gonna answer any of ur silly questions because 1.) don't have parents(they wouldn't understand anyway) 2.) one time I hit a kid with my car while he was riding his bike so I threw him a pack of smokes and hopefully he got addicted cause then when he dies he would think of me and I like that kinda stuff. 3.) I'm working on a project but I ran out of glue so this poster board is never gonna get filled correctly and it probably won't place in th science fair so fuggit.
  18. But I do have to say the magazine name was very confusing cause I found myself saying "did you see the paper today?" And my dog was sad because we don't gget the newspaper and he looooves newspapers he likes to dig holes and put en in dirt and then I had to explain to doggy that it's a magazine and he get sad cause I do hit him a lot with rolled up magazine and he cries.
  19. Totally disagree with the boys about Kim Kardashian. I mean, I saw it and legitimately said "nomnomnom me wanna grab a spoon and eat it like 2 ginormous ice cream scoops. And you know I brought the chocolate syrup baby!" And there's nothing to be ashamed of about that. There are people starving in the world so when I see delicious food where a ladies butt should be yea I'm gonna want to eat it. Are we supposed to deny all of our cravings? You wanna live in some dystopia where we're all sippin soma and robots are watching us then go ahead. Me, I'm gonna put on my ice cream bib and eat some fucking food. Case closed.
  20. Tracy, no question just wanted to let u know its Nintendo not Intendo. It's not a Spanish truth or dare game.
  21. If I keep reaching my quota for likes, shouldn't I get an extension the next day? Isn't that how police works? Every time they go over their quota they get more money from the state so if we're gonna use that word can we use it in the police way? I hope this doesn't Sting but I've got a messsage in a bottttlee for who ever sucks the fun by putting a cap on these likes: you don't have to put on the red light. This is jokes bout a band hehe.
  22. Thanks Bozos.. But I'm gettin too old for this shit (riiiiiiggs!) I have to be forgotten so these young comedy geniuses can take the spotlight. Even the mighty must fall. Evan all mighty will never fall tho. That's top 5 forever.
  23. Me too Joe... Is that crazy or what? Lol like, what r the odds? Freeaakyyy
  24. Whoa BRRII you old bag of kindness (and moneys) Thanks a lot soon as I can in gonna donate 20 in your great name. You are the legends us kids read about in Viking school. Youre a real homegrown potato. Err... Was it tomatoes the show and potatoes ur job?
  25. here's my "funny" question. Writers, when you hit a wall with your writing, but then some one writes a dick joke to get through the wall, is that a glory hole? Cause I think it's something different but I'm not in the city of angelos so what do I know lol right? Right???