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Everything posted by kobthatreal

  1. Andrew are you a paparazzo? How'd you snag those pics of my 3 favorite Rock Stars?
  2. Tights bebeeee! But why do rock stars wear such fancy clothes. Can't they just wear plain black polo shirts? Things would be much easier.
  3. Probably Aladdin sane because that's the most recognizable. A nice suit and slicked back hair would be cool but then people might think I'm the great gatsby or something. Oh gosh this is so hard!! What r you all gonna be? Maybe ill copy you.
  4. Hey guys... What should I be for Halloween? i was gonna be David Bowie but idk anymore..
  5. Oh and thanks for reading my question and big thanks to Clark for not remembering shit about our shared kindergarten experience... Probably cause he was always doing the pass out game where you choke yourself and pass out. I think it hurts ur brain.
  6. Sean and Hayes clearly tried to take a guest on an a N-word-Off. Who can say it best and most times and fastest with most flair normally wins. I guess the guest lost.
  7. Val, you are a freakin hoot! I love whatever this is... It's brilliant. "I, uhh, don't want it," had me bussin up like nobodies business. I want to write a Hawwoween Spooktacuwar!
  8. Val, I don't know if you should get the tattoo or not. Personally, I treat my body like a temple.... Of DOOM! Lol hahahahahaha no but seriously whatever you do I will support and probably make a nice post about it that'll grab a couple of those tasty Host likes. Shit, ol' fogey files might even pop in and hit me with a like. I mean, there's really no telling how far my run on sentences and non formatted walls of text will reach.
  9. Clark, bro, remember in high school when we had that history test and you said you would let me copy off you cause you knew I was up late leveling up my Diablo character because you wanted me to do some cool raids with you, but then when Mr. Pinot gave us the scantrons you kept on putting your arm all over the scantrons so I couldn't see your answers. And then that night since I knew I was gonna graduate late I was all depressed and ended up drinking at Smithys crib, then drove home drunk and hit my ex-girlfriends dog who was always wandering around off leash, and the cops caught me burying it in the park and for some reason they thought I killed it on purpose to get back at her for sleeping with you, which was weird because I didn't even know that until they said it. So why you fuck my girl bro?
  10. what can I say Tim, you put a long metal pole through my butt and mouth and turned me over a campfire.
  11. Greggy you forgot Asher Roth and Mac Miller and the INFORMER, Snow.
  12. Time to test Tim's Improv. So Tim, I heard you recently purchased a life size doll house that you fill with mannequins and pretend they are real people, kinda like in I Am Legend, except you call it the Frat House and you make them do that thing where they all jerk off on an Oreo and the last one to ejaculate has to eat the Oreo.... Is that true?
  13. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    The cyclist is my favorite part. I guess it goes to show that Brice won't stand up to 3 catcalling asshole dudes in the middle of the night in NYC(this movie is in nyc right?) but Harley will kill any single clearly scared guy on a bicycle in broad day at a park.
  14. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    Shariq! I'm sorry I unnecessarily escalated the discussion. I half read the comments without looking into the source of your claims. Once I realized it was the Abduction episode I started it up and immediately remembered it was one of the few episodes I disliked and never finished due to Jessica Chaffens comments. I Guess her Ronna and Bev character isn't too far from the truth. I wouldn't try to rationalize what she was saying. But from Paul, June, and Jason, maybe I'm blinded by my love for their comedy, but I would give them the benefit of the doubt when they describe a minority character as such. I know they are far from the utmost authority on the subject, but I do trust that what they say is more of a jab at the writers and director for using minority characters as walking stereotypical grabs at minority viewers, rather then a sign of disrespect towards those actors and their ethnicity. I'm a white guy, with black family. I know I don't carry it with me like other minorities do. I still get the occasional guy at the bar saying some racist shit to me and he thinks I'm gonna agree with him just cause I'm white. I like to think I know the difference between when some one is being offensive to a group purposefully, and when they are attacking the idea that people can be defined by the stereotypes attributed to them by bad writing. But I haven't spent one day of my life as a black person so although I wrongfully criticized you earlier, without speaking up I wouldn't have this moment of reflection.
  15. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    At least we don't have to deal with Meredith Grey muckin around and screwin things up. Too much drama! where in Florida did you live? We southern floridians hear all about the bigotry and overall backwoodsy-ness of northern and central FL but it rarely trickles down here. The divide starts in Orlando, which Puerto Ricans for some reason have claimed, then we hit the nice Jewish conglomerate of west palm beach, followed by the any kind of every people in Broward/Miami. It's really pretty sweet here. I'm sure August Lindt would find it to be very nice. I mean, it's definitely more cultured than Seattle no offense lol. So it's not from lack of perspective that I was saying Shariq was overreacting. I think it's pretty clear to see the knee jerk response was on his behalf when he saw it was a Tyler Perry movie and assumed the worst. Not that it doesn't come from a real place, I don't doubt you authenticity Shariq! it just felt unwarranted.
  16. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    Ok Shariq, where I was born and raised is filled with Limbaugh-heads, I get it. I can't walk into a chuck e cheese without hearing about how gays shouldn't marry. I mean literally every person is a caricature of what you've obviously experienced first hand from all the floridians you've known and met. It's certainly impossible for some one with liberal beliefs to disagree with you on how a comedy podcast should be consumed! I feel like a real loon just thinkin about it. I guess we'll just have to wait for the episode, right? that was my original point, a response to a you saying to "get ready for everyone not named Tyler Perry to be referred to as 'the other one'". It's messed up that the guest said blackie. in fact, it's nasty. But that's not this movie or episode. You can't judge a book by the cover of some one else's book. let's hope it doesn't happen and then we can all be happy and laugh and enjoy.
  17. Great episode im gonna recommend it to friends! Once again Hayes your laugh is always funny. About this hip hop music its kind of like a computers jazz. My favorite computer jazz musician is wall-e. He has a song I think it's called "tesla electric car bomb" he's kind of like the terrorist of hip hop and I mean that with all dude respect.
  18. I'm sorry for your loss Charlie. #stoploss When I was a little boy my dad bought me a 24k gold Dan Marino collectors card. Now I had recently watched this sweet Mary-Kate and Ashley movie where they find out that real gold bends when you bite it, unlike that silly fools gold that just hurts your teeth! So I decided to test the legitimacy of this gold and gave it a nice hard bite. When my Dad saw the bite marks through Dans head he didn't get that angry, but he gave me one of those, "Son, you're a fucking idiot" looks.
  19. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    Although I would like to hear the opinion of a black man or woman concerning the marketing aspect, as in, other than therebeing a black cast, how do they feel about this movie being marketed towards them, since it's just trash filmmaking. Can we at least agree on that?
  20. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    Ah, totally forgot about that episode. My bad. But I'm not saying an episode shouldn't have perspective from whatever culture or group a film is indicative of, I just don't think this movie represents black culture in America in any way. As CameronH said before, and I'm sure he's like "stop friggin bringing me into ur shit," it's a primarily black cast but it isn't a culture defining movie. But yea no need for terms like blackie being thrown around. Maybe in a context of saying that's how the writers or director used the character as their token black guy, but not simply because they are a minority. I don't remember the Ep you're referring to all that well.
  21. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    Hey Shariq where I live doesn't define me, so don't stereotype! and at least I didn't use words like butthurt and lamewangs like I usually do. You didn't really respond to the metaphorical bombs I dropped on ur noggin so I guess you admit defeat. When I listen to pcasts like Desus vs Mero I don't get pre-angry whenever a white person has laid a proverbial turd and I know they are gonna tag on them and call it like it is. when something is garbage you can call it garbage as the hosts (mostly Jason) are fond of. Nothing is off limits in the HDTGM Thunder dome. I know it may come off as racially insensitive to use shorthands for minority characters but they do that for so many characters to imply its racially charged is silly, especially since the podcast isn't even out yet. So you brought that baggage into the forum! I'm not trying to argue, I'm saying this discussion is so asinine because it's all over presumptive issues! You must trust the hosts to be smarter than that?
  22. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    I agree. But we all know that is 100% not the case for this movie. And CameronH said what I was trying to say but in a nicer less of a dick way, while being more concise. So I'll just screw off lol
  23. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    This particular forum is so PC that yall are calling the hosts racist because you're thinking of all the ways they could come off racist just cause it's a Tyler Perry movie lol. I think you are all failing to understand that they watch and talk about SHIT movies with SHIT characters who don't deserve to be referred to by their character names, unless they are Chev Chelios or Hulkster. Take off ur judgmental pants and put on ur "oh this movie was awful, let's enjoy the roasting of it" pants. I mean, this movie is racist as fuck, and you're worried about characters not being treated with respect? Oh boy.
  24. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    btw, did anyone else feel like this movie was set in 3 different time periods all at once?
  25. kobthatreal

    Episode 94.5 — Minisode 94.5

    I dunno what yall are talkin about. This movie was awesome start to finish. So funny. Best part is when the main girl runs right into the guy on his bicycle which causes Harley to roid rage.