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Everything posted by kobthatreal

  1. Berfday Bwaz, you skewer a lot of things, what's next to be skewered? Can you do a practice skewer on engineer CodyBrettSam?
  2. This is Shaggy recording his version of the theme. It's the raw audio, needs some music idk if u guys have those types of powers but if u do it would be pretty nice and probably not that hard? Btw its shaggy. http://soundcloud.com/heyitskob/shaggy-gmail-roulette
  3. I made a really good impression of Shaggy doing the gmail roulette song lawdamercy, now I just need someone to put some marimbas and steel drums behind it and it's gonna be good lawdamercy. Also, does anyone know what to do when they are stuck in an impression and can't get out? Lawdamercy.
  4. I knew about the band too lol first time hearing bout a show. Thanks Bad Lieutenant! And how in the great space of the universe did I get a like from Joe on the Treesehead post, but not from Tim? I'm not sure I underatand... Hath my leader forsaken me? And if they hosts and Paul Scheer don't use "Basketball Diaries of Dr. Anne Hathaway House" then we all miss out on the chance of an announcer character saying "Ooh the killer crossover! This way, thata way, here comes Hathaway!"
  5. I'm a ride or die Treesehead, been down since day one, and you can check my creds, and you can check your attitudes about Tim at the door, where they normally check coats, not that I'm riding coat tails, but I will coat my tail in red paint, and use it as a very broad brush, to speak metaphorically for a change since everything I said previous was all 100% literal, in which I will paint all Joe McHurlers as dweebazoids and herbivores.Edit: #getrekt #sleeponapeayouprincesses #x-pacandchynasextape
  6. Nikki Glaser, do you ever feel like it's all just too much? How do you break the cycle? Do you like Staind?
  7. Oh and did anyone see that Kanye concert video where he asks people to stand up and these selfish assholes won't get up out of their wheelchairs? It's like... Jesus walks, maybe you should too.
  8. Omg what is my warn status... ? Has no one weared me? Great opening seggy. Great guest. I love the Hayes laugh at stupid puns that goes out of control cause it sounds real but like you know it isn't? It's very tricky... Well played Hayes. I like the picture where Sean is holding the wire because correct me if I'm wrong here guys but I think Cody was probably traveling through the wires when they thought up a genius fucking dope as fuck plan that was like I guess pulling the wires ends out of the electric systems? And now Cody is trapped in a single wire. And like, he's trapped. So if my science is right then I have a warning! WARNING: Do not plug the Cody cable back in! If you do it must be on a closed ended circuit. If you plug the cable in to the internet or god forbid the mainframe... Welp, ur gonna get electro'd.
  9. Anyone else super excited about next Ep??? I hope I'm in the PG! Omg... Popcorn Gallery... PG movies... Paul George.... Peter Green(sick guitar player). ??????
  10. Mean Detective. There are only 2 rules on this podcast forums. 1. Wear protection 2. Take off the protection and go in so raw
  11. I guess we know where Corpsefucker shops now!!!
  12. Gil, when you pack a vest for your jimmy is it XXL or are you a 1 ruler kind of guy?
  13. Get ur local refs out of my face Octor.
  14. Paul, when you decided to let Aziz get famous did u get a lot of POINTS on the back end? And what are POINTS on the back end? I think he should do either "A Cody Story: The Evil Computer Electron Man" or "Basketball Diaries of Dr. Anne Hathaway House"
  15. Damn I just thought of a great question but now I know I'm too late. Maybe some one else can answer. Are wasps just big ants with wings but instead of biting u with their mouths they bite u with their butts? I take it back.... BRRII has asked the greatest question ever.
  16. Well now I just types all that for nothing no one will read it. Nick Brit, where's ur family at during all this?
  17. I just wanna come out and say that I don't like how Ray Rice hit his girl like that I mean she didn't know no better. She didn't wake up thinking oh I'm gonna piss off Ray and get him to punch me in the face. Nah she didn't, so give her a fuckin break. We all make mistakes. I believe that us men as lift muscle great power we need more holds barred and a lot less no holds barred matches cause what if u get cross face crippled now ur in a wheel chair bro r u happy? Maybe Ray needs to take a big look at himself and say wow this arm muscle preettyy large maybe I not use it as a club that I swing from my shoulder joint. Ok Ray? Okay? Happy? Ray shoulda said "hey baby u take this elevator and I'm gonna take that elevator. They r exactly the same elevator, but mines goin up to success and urs is goin down and there is snakes there so good luck "
  18. I know what you're thinking, "did dis dude just did dis double post? And edit the first?" Yes.
  19. Lol Cody is a fuckin legend. First he turns into the wires like some sort of crazy electron or science. Then he just straight up walks out on podcasts in the middle of em like he doesn't give a fuck. But to go do what? I'm guessing to learn more about becoming an electro science piece. It reminds me of a movies I once saw where the bad guy can travel through electros and he terrorizes the people. It was on UPN during a Halloween movies scarefest. Was you movies, Cody?Edit:p.s. I think Cody might've been hack surfing the cloud cause I'm having a hard time gettin videos of my nephews from my phone to my computer. Are u blocking the cloud surf, Cody?
  20. kobthatreal

    Episode 48 — Pete Holmes, Our LIVE Friend

    Hey every1 I'll drop the baby corn gallery results on Tuesday. Freja, I'll put a ring on it. But I don't believe on marriage.
  21. kobthatreal

    Episode 48 — Pete Holmes, Our LIVE Friend

    Ya guys my nephews are visiting. Any questions for them? I call it the baby corn gallery. I will post answers on here ASAP. The twins are named Harlen and Carter, you can ask them whatevs. Lee is the baby so I'll try to get answers from him. Thank you. And u will all be pleased.
  22. kobthatreal

    Episode 48 — Pete Holmes, Our LIVE Friend

    Damn Greggy you didn't even give yourself a like on that one. Florida is pretty nice actually. Hot, good flow, very buff, sweet rap/singing voice.... Apple bottom jeeeeans. He makes hits that's all I can say. Can't hate on that! So yea Flo Rida is my favorite.
  23. kobthatreal

    Episode 48 — Pete Holmes, Our LIVE Friend

    Hubba Hubba! What an episode! They should do more live shows so that I know where's to laugh. I know it's funny I just never laugh when something's funny so this is really choiceamundo.
  24. Dead Mans Curve.... Gun Dem Dead by my dawg. http://m.soundcloud.com/younglansky/gun-dem-dead-bwoy-1
  25. To be fair I had a bottle of jack in my trunk for a present and we drank that at her place. She also made me watch a few episodes of the Big Bang theory. But the funniest part is 3 months later she messages me that she's sorry for any wrong doing she had done to me as she had been using heroin for a while.... I freaked out and went n got tested even though we used condoms. It was scary but I'm clean and I learned my lesson... U know what, Ft Lauderdale sucks.