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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. Are you cAlling me out Freja? Or is my egocentrism showing? I listened to this episode while I was grouting a bathroom floor and when I heard the jokes they were saying I kept laughing and laughing and the lady whose house I was in was like "oooo u better be laughing at what a good job ur doing!" And I was like "cool it mom" and then she told me she bought ice cream so it was over all a good day, thanks for asking. How was yours?

    • Like 7

  2. Omg burdrulz I have the same feelings. I want to kiss everyone. And stabby lady is a weirdo!!! My fav guy is the priest he is uplifting. Up lifting rocks findin wads of doseph. One thing that's weird is they say 2% of the population was taken, but every main character was with someone who vanished so what are the odds of that? Crunch them #s for me.



    Oh and I miss hearing the first few seconds to Money Trees. So good.Ohohoh. And my favorite moment(s) might be when they talk about the girl with 1 arm, like how the cameras must've only been on her during the roller derby.

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  3. Jessica, lots of young black people r getting shot by cops when they are just chilling n then the cops all like "drop that gun!" And the black dudes all like "this is my ice cream sandwich if I drop it it will be ruined the floor is so dirty!" If you asked Hayes and Sean about the state of racism in America they'd probably go look at a US map and be like "is it a new state? I'm only counting 50 here." So my question is bold braids or tight fades? Which is better for avoiding police bullets?

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  4. P.s. Ew weed is so gross more Man made garbage for pharmaceutical companies to mush down our throats. My buddy from high school did one smoke from a maryjane cig and he's in a coma now. He's in the coma cause he was skitching on the back of a tank in Iraq and they hit an IED (identified English dude) named Andrew and u know how Andrews are my friend got clocked. Andy hit him with the saucer from under his tea cup and shattered his retinas(his own, out of rage) and then my moms started pushing me on the shoulder "wake up wake up its time for school. Ur gonna be late." Oh shit I totally forgot, good thing I sleep at school and my moms my algebra teacher! EZ A!

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