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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. Dang that party sounded sick! I was gonna go but then I realized I didn't smell so good... It's okay, lil deodorant n I'm on my way, then my sidekick goes and lays an egg(so rando I know) n we say ya know what? fuck it let's go anyway. Check this tho, the freakin batmobile loses a dang wheel and the joker gets away. Overall not a fun night! But it was better than when my parents got murdered in that alleyway.

    • Like 4

  2. By food do u mean private parts? And by private parts do I mean roles Matt Damon has played? And by roles Matt Damon has played do I mean bread rolls that Matt Damon was bout to eat then decided to munch on a different roll and the 1st roll sat there like "whaaaat? Thought u was gon pick me" and Matty D was like "nah slow ur roll u got played playboy." Then Matt Damon rubbed his hands together like Birdman. And by Birdman I mean Michael Keaton in his next great comeback role?

    • Like 8

  3. Just wanna take this moment to thank Sean and Hayes for doing this podcast. It has brought me many laughs and joy to me while I work for minime wage or while I drive grandma to airport in Miami (traffic ugh) and i drove to Chicago and listened to the entire RSS on the trip. The laughs are the only reason I didn't fall asleep at the wheel and kill a kid with my car. You don't just make us laughs, u keep our childs safe. And to that I tip my hat and wiggle my butt lol. Oh and sry I missed u Sinbad catch ya l8sk8.Edit: drunk;points

    • Like 11

  4. Hmm, where to begin...




    Comedy (from the Greek: κωμῳδία, kōmōidía), in the contemporary meaning of the term, is any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, television, film and stand-up comedy. This sense of the term must be carefully distinguished from its academic one, namely the comic theatre, whose Western origins are found in Ancient Greece. In the Athenian democracy, the public opinion of voters was influenced by the political satire performed by the comic poets at the theaters.[1] The theatrical genre can be simply described as a dramatic performance which pits two societies against each other in an amusing agon or conflict. Northrop Frye famously depicted these two opposing sides as a "Society of Youth" and a "Society of the Old",[2] but this dichotomy is seldom described as an entirely satisfactory explanation. A later view characterizes the essential agon of comedy as a struggle between a relatively powerless youth and the societal conventions that pose obstacles to his hopes. In this struggle, the youth is understood to be constrained by his lack of social authority, and is left with little choice but to take recourse in ruses which engender very dramatic irony which provokes laughter.[3]



    Satire and political satire use ironic comedy to portray persons or social institutions as ridiculous or corrupt, thus alienating their audience from the object of humor. Satire is a type of comedy. Parody subverts popular genres and forms, using certain ironic changes to critique those forms from within (though not necessarily in a condemning way). Screwball comedy derives its humor largely from bizarre, surprising (and improbable) situations or characters. Black comedy is defined by dark humor that makes light of so-called dark or evil elements in human nature.



    Similarly scatological humor, sexual humor, and race humor create comedy by violating social conventions or taboos in comic ways. A comedy of manners typically takes as its subject a particular part of society (usually upper class society) and uses humor to parody or satirize the behavior and mannerisms of its members. Romantic comedy is a popular genre that depicts burgeoning romance in humorous terms and focuses on the foibles of those who are falling in love.

    • Like 7

  5. Another great ep! These guys can't miss! I was lol'n no doubt.


    I couldn't stop laughing when Sean(the real non-guest sean) said "Of course it's not the same as horniness for a man because the woman don't know what's happening to her body when it's happening."

    and then he said he jacks off... "I think."


    Hayes kept saying points and I laughed everytime.


    And I'm sorry to Sean O'Connor for bringing up Terminators. I should be more sensitive. But part of me feels like maybe Sean O'Connor avoided the question because he is a terminator and he's gotten so used to being human that he decided to do funny stuff. I wish I could've asked him to say the words "I'm a cybernetic organism," in order to see if it matches up with Tom Arnold Schwarz from the 2nd terminator movie.


    Also, what's a paradox?

    • Like 6

  6. MBOP, I love your script. I love the "mom" detail, I love everything happening with Tim and the line about his baby, I love the $20,000 dilemma, I love the battle of the catchphrases, I love the part where Sean and Hayes are making faces at each other and Hayes rolls down the aisles, and I love how bitchy Agata is (it feels real and like she's right here with me). Very, very funny. I hope you'll write another one.

    lol thanks I will. we should all do collab-o's.

    I just want to throw out there that maybe once a week I think of the phrase "Brown on your butt, brown on my hands, let's grab a drink when this airplane lands" and chuckle to myself like a crazy person. Kudos to Mike Bay of Pigs.

    okay now u guys are just tryna make me feel cool. and I do. so I got that goin for me. thanks andy. btw, ur stand up made me lol. I wish I had the balls to do that stuff. how long do u sit on ur material before u go on stage? and how long do you sit in general?



    shosho, u my dawg. thank u. allotta times people say imnarillis but i think younarillis




    p.s. tim and I are cool we just had a misunderstanding and he told me about how the pope is a fraud and all this sweet stuff.

    • Like 6




    PPL doesn't realize that you can share files publicly with Drive or Dropbox... Like smh why use the crappiest site in existence? Or email it to me and I'll host it on timsvlog.net.


    and give away all that sendspace.com $$$ comin my way? no thanks! besides u must've downloaded it so I give you full permission to upload it if you want. if not, chat me ur email addy n ill zip it to u thru the internet(tryna use tech jargon for u)




    I'm very conflicted about everything you said here. First, why would you go to a bar with heroin junkies in it? Were you looking for the authentic Nirvana vibe we used to have here in the '90s because that's long gone. You gotta go to Olympia or Bellingham to see non-trustifarian working-class chic types nowadays. However, they will still likely be upper middle class and white, just in between the suburbs and the painfully trendy gentrified urban neighborhoods they will end up in.


    Second, I appreciate the offer of your girlfriend? I don't know how things work in Florida, but in Washington women are usually allowed some kind of say in such matters. Just so you know. Also, who says I want a girlfriend right now anyway?


    Third, not a drug guy. Not even a little. It's a control thing.


    Fourth, my uncle lives in Weston.

    ok lets do this

    1. it was for work and it was across the street from the hotel they put me in. couple blocks from that outer space needle.

    2. i meant like id put in a good word for you, and my bad i hope i didn't just Pat Sajak situation.

    3. more power to you, stay up

    4. i play basketball out there sometime i think ive probably crossed him up a few times. does your uncle have a history of balance problems or did my handles just dismantle his ankles?

    • Like 2

  9. Tim, I don't take any offense from your comments about cities North of California. Comparing the Northwest to California is just asinine. It shouldn't be done, so I won't do that here.


    For the record, Google probably is better than Microsoft despite my doubts to the contrary. However, that's like saying at least you're better at human rights than North Korea... It isn't really a badge of honor.


    Also, I'm sorry you feel like I've been attacking you in the past. I will try to not do that in the future.




    While we're on the topic of cities, I will repeat that anyone who comes to Seattle should hit me up and we'll go out drinking. It will be fun.


    my gf is got offered a job in seattle and shes asking me to come with her for a year to try it out. ive been there and it was a nice city. That bar I went to though where I played basketball with heroin junkies, The Funhouse, the one you didn't know what I was talking about... just googled it, turns out its closed. So that might affect my decision.


    if I don't go and she does ill tell her to leave me for you, so id say this whole situation is a win win for you.


    PS if youre ever in South Florida and need anything, and I literally mean anything, hit me up and ill take you out and buy literal butt loads of drugs for you

    • Like 3

  10. mbop, i commented "lol" on it because it was so good i didnt have any notes on it, no one has discussed yours but on the other hand you didnt get all the punch-up offers i did so consider that


    oh yea greggy I know my bad... you're cool with me.. it's these other j.o's.

    yours really didn't need punch up either, I just wanted to see my name written by someone else. much like Tim Treese I crave attention, which explains why I made another post talking about how I didn't get enough attention.

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  11. Ay, listen. I ain't trynna hear that rite now. I clicked "like" on it. Because I liked it. You know who else clicked "like"? HAYES. SO I DON'T WANT HEAR NOTHIN MORE OUT OF YOUR GREEDY MOUTH. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS WANTING MORE HUH YEAH OK WE'RE DONE


    (... i'm pulling an all-nighter tonight for MY LAST EXAM EVAH of this scary ass program that has been running my gah damn life for the last year so TENSIONS ARE HIGH IN MAINE RITE NOW and I CAN'T BE HAVING MBOP STARTIN SHIT RITE NOW I JUST CAN'T)


    Damn, yo, my bad. I honestly didn't know about the tension levels in Maine. I swear to God... I really didn't know. Oh, and thanks for the like ;)


    Anyway, can't wait for next weeks episode. Sean Connor is a top tier improviser. Hopefully he'll improvise a new engineer so Sam can go back to his wholesale warehouse club

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