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Posts posted by kobthatreal


    Very funny. I'm kind of addicted to attention, so I don't even care how I was portrayed (and I def don't have a problem showing my nips on camera if it means I get this role).


    thanks for being the only one to comment on it.


    everyone else is ungrateful slices of ass cheese. I mean, a guy pours his soul onto paper/screen/keyboard for 15 minutes and this is the return? I'm in the wrong business... Luckily I got paid by Ulrich before he left. You know my motto, M.O.F. (MONEY OVER FAMILY.)



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  2. Okay, I wish I had a better way of presenting this but all I can do is upload and link it.




    Sean, Hayes, Agata, Tim, Greggy, Jeffrey Parties, Toby Keith Sweat, and many more.






    If you are not in this Ep please forgive me. I wasn't thinking.



    EDIT: if I never write on the forums again it's because either nobody liked this or because I got hit by a bus

    • Like 9

  3. ok guys, big news here.


    just finished an episode of Homegrown Tomatoes. not sure when to release it though.. not sure if its an ep 3 kind of script or more of an ep 4. I know some of u are working on eps so let me know if you want me to wait. Also, should I release it next week or whenever? thanks.


    p.s. almost none of you are in it, save for 1 scene.

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  4. I liked that ep a lot, a certain charm was missing but it was still good. One question though Greggy, at the end of the script it says "End Credits." Does that mean that the credits were playing during the entire episode and they ended at that point in the script? Or is it a socialist message that we should "end credit" as in taking credit for accomplishments and all be seen as equals from bread maker to scientist, OR "end credit" taking down the credit card industry? I know you like to weave in political messages in ur comedy but this one was a little too ambiguous, but ya know what? that just added to the intrigue!



    PS Greggy, are u a shape shifter? Is ur dog a shape shifter? *confused*

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    If you don't know how to get famous yet then you haven't been listening to Hollywood Handbook. I'm guessing you didn't even have a pen when they told the scoop troop to jot stuff down.


    Um, Spenny, or should I say Penny, for your thoughts, cause ya got none!? Lemme tell u something. I have never failed to dip my quill during scoop troop moments, I have all the info in a composition book(duh) It's basically the bible of Fame and Fortune. I just wanted to know if you guys had any insider tricks+tips+flips, but I see this dog done barked up the wrong tree.

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  6. My dog is dead. My dad is dead. Please stop speaking on pets and dads, guys... If best friends come up, oh boy, I'm gonna have to leave the forum. yea, I've struggled, but at least I don't compare it to famine(tim). Basically, I think we're getting too personal and I'm more of a fan of getting persona-l.


    Here are a lists of questions to get us back on track:


    How's Jordy?

    How bout that bitch Jennifer Anniston?

    What's the most rando thing you can think of involving smartphones?

    Have you ever met a girl that you tried to date, but a year to make love she wanted you to wait?(might be too personal)

    Anyone got any good tips on getting famous?(now w're cookin')



    EDIT: btw new guys, im the depressing one (im trying something new)

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  7. Just because Irish people have a good sense of humor and don't wear their misfortunes on their sleeves doesn't mean you can say that shit all willy nilly and pretend you just said something funny. The Irish were forced into famine by the British empire, conditions were so bad that many volunteered to be slaves in the Americas in order to get food and a place to sleep. You know how many kids starved to death? I bet you like to throw your google money in the toilet as u watch commercials about starving third world country children. Bye Tim.



    EDIT: Unless you have Irish friends, then it's okay and I get it. Also, if Bruce were there he could've saved so many. Why weren't you there Bruce? Something else more important going on?

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    Definitely Chris Herren. When he was Unguarded he was amazing, then he stopped doing drugs and players started guarding him so he retired.


    really want to like this more than once. shits OD funny.


    My favorite Celtic of all time is Larry Bird, even though I never really got to watch him play. Thanks youtube! Current favorite Celtic has to be Rajon RANDO!

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    Jimmy Pardo, Blaine Capatch, and Tom Lennon all have sons named Oliver. And Jesse Thorn's son is named Oscar, which is close enough.




    I know so little about it that I don't even know what you mean. Basically I bought Final Draft and it does all the work for me. If you ever want to talk to me anyway, you can email me: valerie.ann.bryant@gmail.com Let's keep it clean though, my wife might see it.


    awesome. im gonn email u then we can send back and forth my shitty scripts and u can make them better. :) niiiiiice. this works for meeee.

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  10. In the next episode I hope Hayes and Sean talk about the difference between being a Dad and being a Father. Anyone can be a Dad, you just gotta have good sperm, but not everyone can be a father. And also, it's easy to be a Father, but it's a lot harder to be a Daddy, that's who's really there for the kids. And in case you didn't know, it's not that hard to be a Daddy, but it takes a real man to be a Papa. But the realest men are Papa Dearests, whom the Papa's envy. But The Mama's and The Papa Dearests must've been California Dreamin when they heard of the Dada's... Cause anyone can be a papa mama dearest, but a real man, a man who is there for his kids... thassa Dada.

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