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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. I just turned 21 four years ago and I ain't gettin any older. If you don't acknowledge the aging process it will stop working. It thrives on attention. How do u think I bagged a sweet 19 year old Cuban/Venezuelan goddess? Cause I look like I'm perpetually 21. Because I stopped celebrating birthdays. Now I celebrate the day before my birthday so hard that I blackout all during my bday therefore it never exists.... Sure, I can't rent a car or nice hotel and my insurance isn't gettin any lower, but nothing in life is free... Except for the money, bae.

    • Like 5

  2. Great stuff Val. I love how in all ur stories I only have one line and it's something cool as fuck where I'm clearly better than everyone and think whatever I'm doing is beneath me. It's so raw. But enough about me.


    I really like this stuff. I wish we could all live in a house together and just tell bit of a jokes and have a loffs. We could all pay rent and if there's enough of us I won't have to pay at all cause this was my idea. I call master bedroom, and ladies, don't try to pull any fast ones! I'm an usher guy, nice and slow.

    • Like 3

  3. This episode was super funny. From start to finish it was a winner. I don't know if my question was really answered and I'm surprised John didn't remember his exact quote from that day which we all know was, "Scat on chins, scat on bellies, scat up to my knees that's why I wore my wellies!" (that's for u Andrew)


    Tell me how in the hell I just reached my maximum likes for the day? I only got to freakin page 2!!!

    • Like 5

  4. Great week on the forums, guys and gals. It was less bout achieving a certain post-count and more about content that came from the heart. This is what I like... some of you like to use algorithms and computers techno to figure out the "optimal" number of "posts" but me, I'm just a good old boy that you can have a beer with (any other drugs also) and enjoy some good foruming.

    • Like 10

  5. M Night movies are always beautiful looking. He picks great cinematographers. I really enjoyed the village. Maybe Adrian Brody's character could've been toned down a bit. Every one now knows the standards of a M Night movie, and this movie happened to have a twist that everyone was searching for the entire movie instead of enjoying a genuinely intriguing thriller/horror (not exactly horror I know)

  6. Hey John! You and I recently got a chance to meet. Well, I was shitting on a toilet and you just walked right in to wash your hands. I told you it was a 1 person restroom, you laughed and said, "Brown on your butt, brown on my hands, let's grab a drink when this airplane lands."


    But when the flight landed you were no where to be found. Why did this happen? How could I have prevented it?

    • Like 17

  7. I was playing bball tonight and my friend actually made a funny joke but he didn't even know it.


    We were playing 4v4 after 2 kids left and my buddy says jokingly "Lets play a 2-2 zone, everyone be on point." everyone laughed, as did I, but it was for different reasons. it's a joke about how dumb a 2-2 zone would be in a 4v4.


    I said something trying to add on to it like, "me and petey go to the ballet a lot." nobody laughed.. they all probably thought I was just trying to psyche em out with random information. The game went on, but I got a feeling everyone was still thinking about it. and when they got home, showered, and hopped on the couch bout to light a fuckin hog stick of kush they thought, "oh shit... that's funny."

    • Like 1

  8. the whole thing about girls is you gotta look good. and you gotta have cool interests. make sure you say stuff like "skateboarding is so gay" and then let them know u have a long board. tell them that their eyes make you believe in god, because rando ass nature couldn't make that shit up in a trillion tries.


    PROTIP: if a girl is seeming disinterested, spread your legs and grab the muscle (or fat) from your inner thigh with your hand and shake it around a little. it looks like u got the biggest cock in the world.

    • Like 6

  9. U guys... I miss Gabe. And I miss Inner G aka hug life... I hope he's okay. The last person he contacted was a man on the topics forums looking to form a study group. After reviewing the posts his contact was just as suspicious as me. A true crime has been committed and we need true detectives on the case. Now I'm sure Tim could just ask one of the precogs at the precrime lab in google HQ(more like GQ right? Friggin hunks) but if not we need 1 true Ds on it.

    • Like 1

  10. im gonn let yall see my latest creation

    its called inconceivable



    got a crib in chatanooga

    full of hash n rugers

    im the grassy knoll shootah

    and my butler ashton kutcher

    we blow buddha from the future

    while we building new computers

    on the front page of reuters

    on some all electric scooters

    rum runners in a stooper

    got an egg layin rooster

    my favorite type of people

    9/11 truthers

    used to be a storm trooper

    til i met this lil chalupa

    named medusa

    gave me shingles man i coulda been a roofer


    You know the boy peakin

    all my blinds venetian

    My main bitch Grecian

    but her pussy Allopecian

    i love my dawgs they aint leave-able

    all my pauses pregnant but im


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