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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. The man clearly is on a better path, and there was no barking or requesting the location of his dogs. However, my sister said that she was looking down when he asked her, and recognized the voice immediately, he's still got the lovely sultry raspy voice. So X is A-OK in my book! Either that or he really is my Dad, which would explain why I have so many hitters and shottas!


    I'm glad you all enjoyed this and maybe some of you have changed your minds about DMX.

    • Like 1

  2. Of course, I don't think she had an option cause if you need help, X gon' give it to ya.


    My Mom deals blackjack at the casino and she told me that 2 nights ago he sat at her table and everyone kept wanting to take pictures with him. She didn't know who he was and at the end of the night he gave her a nice tip and said, "Thanks for treating me like a normal person. I know you don't know who I am so it was nice."


    So 2 of my family members had positive moments with DMX in the past 3 days, is he on a PR blitz?

    • Like 7



    That reminds me that your scripts on your blog/tumblr/whatever are really funny. You should do a sequel to the House of Cards one, or maybe an Oranges! (the new black) one.


    the first 2 results are just another reason I need to stop using Bing.com... I clicked the first one thinking it was just some funny shit like a haha funny name for a blog and now im seriously upset.




    warning: the first 2 links on the search result have NSFW NSFGrandma images so click at ur own risk

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