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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. I'm really sorry guys, I made a deal with H+S that I would remain anonymous, or at least not directly reveal my true self. I just google'd "very hunky" to get this picture. However, I have left a series of clues spread amongst the forums and even a certain googledocs graph. If you connect the pieces you will find my true identity and maybe, jussst maybe, we can be friends.:) have a nice day ttyl

    • Like 6

  2. I liked this guest very good very happy, no suffering. As far as the denim goes, Dave Thomas is Canadian royalty, only fair to wear tuxedo's around him. Donald Sterling Silver Fox is still out there and yea he may no longer be able to go to hoopster shot plays but he can still watch them on TV and let's face it, with all these different camera angles, HDTV, and DVRs, who really neds to go to the game anymore? It's like, okay, I paid 20 bucks for parking, 20 on gas, 20 on my first beer, 20 on a hotdog, if I spend 20 more bucks I've spent 100 dollars... Meanwhile, Don S is at home watching on a 80 incher (not magic johnsons penis) while his blaxican girlfriend is embezzling money from his back pocket while embezzling some sperm out of his penis hole with her mouth. GoT it?

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  3. In all seriousness I watched this movie last night called "Crystal Heart."


    It rivals The Room in "so bad it's good" quality. It's about a ultra rich boy who lives in a bubble(its really a glass room) and he falls in love with this singer on TV. He becomes her pen pal and eventually invites her to meet him. They fall in love through the glass, but he can't leave the bubble. So his rich family attempts to invent a suit that will allow him to leave the bubble.. its awesome.

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