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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. Hey listen man, I know what you're going through right now. Andy Daly implied that I don't bathe myself on a regular basis and Damien Fahey laughed at me and said he wouldn't answer my question because my name wasn't real... so I've been there, bud. It gets better. Anyways, would love to offer some advice on how you can get through this difficult time but I've g2g figure out how to order human beings to come to my home here at Sears to take care of the color-treated abomination that's happening right now on top of my head.

    YO. NAME DROP MORE. jeesh

    • Like 5

  2. I hope the Pilot he wrote wasn't in charge of Malaysia Flight 370.




    "Home Debo" It's about Debo from Friday who is a handyman with a temper.


    "Home Ward Bound" A group of frat bros kidnap Charlie Ward so that their football and basketball team have a chance to win. They do this every week. (might have some rights issues with those celtic pride boys on this one)


    "Home Land Before Time" Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago, but was one of the Dinosaurs a sleeper agent working for the Asteroids? (Very excited about this one.)



    Now if you just want names of shows here are a few.

    Gary Colemans Height School

    Ray Charles Sight School

    Wesley Snipes White School

    Ghandis Fight School

    MC Hammers Tights School

    John Candy's Light School

    Lionel Richies Sunday Morning Night School

    Forrest Gumps Bright School




    Question for Rob, Why have you been holding a knife this entire interview?



    P.S. this post may seem like im trying to subtly let u all know I'm being homeschooled at knifepoint, but its not

    • Like 7

  3. Been sitting here trying to think of an example of something not Rando. Here's the best I got.



    A student is taking his final exam in college philosophy class. "Pencils down, papers turned in on my desk immediately!" says the Professor. All of the students but one turn in their paper. The student continues to write. "PENCILS DOWN YOUNG MAN, PENCILS DOWN NOW OR I WILL FAIL YOU" the professor yells, getting angry with the show of disobedience. The student continues writing. Finally, after lots of yelling, the student gets up and walks to the desk, where there is a large stack of all the other students final exams.


    "You will receive a failing grade for directly disobeying me!!" Barks the professor.

    The student looks at the professor and says, "Do you know who I am?"

    "What?!" Barks the professor.

    "Do you have any idea who I am? Do you know my name."

    "Well," the professor said, pausing in a moment of uncertainty, "I guess I don't."

    The student lifts up a bunch of the papers and throws his paper in the middle of the stack.

    "That's cause I'm a fucking ghost, and you're a dog. But you're also a fucking ghost. Why do you think you kept barking? We died of asbestos 20 years ago. This isn't even a college classroom, it's a fucking cemetery. We're at a fucking cemetery man!!! MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!!!"

    The Dog Professor looks at the ghost student and says, "Congratulations, you passed the test."


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