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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. The opening scene with Idris Elba is the best part of the movie. Him flying off his bike into the mountains while turning around and shooting at a car was probably one of the cooler action shots I've seen. After watching it I thought, "Holy shit, am I about to watch a good movie?" Then the rest of the movie happened and no, it is not good.

  2. You sure you weren't in Vancouver? Heroine is more their thing... You're right though, even though I don't understand your anecdote, it does bring us closer together. I think?


    Let's try this again.



    • Like 2

  3. They say it's lonely at the top in whatever you do, you always gotta watch motherfuckers around you.

    Nobody's invincible, no plan is foolproof.

    We all must meet our moment of truth.


    I think it's safe to say Guru was talking about miss Shelby Fero taking Clem Dawgs followers. RIP Guru... and possibly Shelby? I wonder if that chair is still wedged under the door handle.

  4. I think it's so freakin crazy how there is absolutely nothing else to talk about concerning the script for Teen Pope. We have literally talked about everything there is to talk about it and then some. So much so that any further discussion about the script/movie/storyboard/roughdrafts/tvshow/tvpilot/website or webisodes/fanfiction/slashfiction/studionotes/ for Teen Pope would be considered super rude. (start reading in Jamaican accent now) And I know there aint any rude boys or rude gals on this forum, lord have mercy.(End Jamaican accent)


    (Read in Australian accent(you must be smiling or else it won't work!(show some teeth(attaboy!))))

    Oy mate, did you hear about the twisted stuff Ken and his girlfriend are into? I overheard him saying he throws shrimp onta Barbie!

  5. My "fa sho yamo be listenin to this" list:



    How Did This Get Made

    Ten Minute Podcast

    Doug Loves Movies



    The rest I dabble in are:

    Sklarbro Country

    Cashing In with TJ Miller

    Bill Burr Monday Morning Podcast

    Who Charted

    You Made it Weird

    Dining with Doug and Karen

    And some times I go back and listen to old RSS eps to keep me bussin up.


    I'm probably forgetting some. Anyone else on here like Ten Minute Podcast? I wish those guys would get to gellin' with Earwolf.

    • Like 2

  6. Bill Russell Crowe, I just listened to a few of your tracks on SoundCloud. I'm very impressed with your talent, while also being very disappointed in how comfortable your mind is there in the gutter. It seems like only yesterday you were mama's lil boy, helping me mash up potatoes and asking, "More buddur?" with your signature lisp. And now here you are rapping about hippie pussy. Again, though, you're extremely talented.

    You're making me loff!! thanks tho. did u set those tracks as downloadable?


    BurdRulz: what kinda music is it? I could help probably. kobthatreal@gmail.com


    Andy: www.soundcloud.com/theredbarondavis im almost embarrassed to share this with all you superstars but I am a RAPscallion and it is a part of me.



    EDIT: Lansky (my broth from anoth) is on my page too check him out hes way better than me.

    • Like 1

  7. Oh by the way guys. I work as Santa every Christmas day the past 5 years so shoutout to all the other Santas out there getting that sweet Santa money, someone has got to do it. Normally it's not a 24 year old like myself, but none the less it is hard. I do it in a resort in Boca Raton, Florida. It is a heavily jewish population and I just gotta say it, why are the jewish kids so mean to me! They were pullin my beard all day! "youre not santa! youre not santa! I celebrate hannukah, santa isn't real!" Like, WOAH, guys... calm down! Now some of the Jewish kids were sweet, but there was a group of about 8 that were harassing the shit out of me this year. In lighter news, one of the autistic kids drew a picture of me, santa, and wrote on the back "Santa I miss you every year please come back sooner." I almost cried. I hope everyone has a great holidays, and if you're jewish, tell your kids to let up on santa, hes tired!

    • Like 1

  8. Bill Russell Crowe: How do I enable downloads? I am very stupid. PS I like you.


    Well aren't you sweet as a Hawaiian ham.


    Go to the song and click the edit button. At the bottom of the edit page there is a button that says "downloads disabled" and you have to click it to enable them. PS: I am theredbarondavis and my rap music is kind of spooky so don't listen to it at night, also, don't judge me from the content.

    • Like 1

  9. I never finished it either, so no it has never payed off. I know its supposed to be "noir" style acting, but it really is just awful acting. The Androgynous Gackt had me confused the whole movie. I can't understand how some one who looks like that can be kicking peoples ass... It really is a terrrriible movie. I mentioned I liked Sin City on Reddit and some one recommended Bunraku to me. Whoever it was, I want to find him and destroy him. ITS SO BAD. I CANT SAY IT ENOUGH. PLEASE. MASSACRE THIS MOVIE.



    Apparently this movie was finished years before it was released. They spent THREE YEARS finding some one to distribute it.
