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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. Great episode. Pop Lockerman, Paul Rust and Andy Daly were hilarious as always... Although that one lady was pretty annoying. She kept saying "Noooo" or "Woo." It kind of brought me out of enjoying this ep as much as I could have. I hope she reads earwolf forums and sees her flaw, though if she did I'm sure she'd be on here defending herself saying, "THEY WERE LOVING IT! THEY WANTED IT! YOU WERENT THERE!" It reminds me of the I4H recent episode where instead of laughing the guy says "Oh no you didn't," all the time. Which happened to me at the movies while watching The Heat. A young man in the theater seated behind me couldn't help himself from saying "Oh snap!" or "Oh my god," every time he found something funny. Are the people who do this not getting the jokes, but seeing everyone laugh know that it should be funny, but since they aren't naturally laughing, and are embarrassed by their fake laugh, just shouting out words that people might say when something is funny? Should I maybe have saved this diatribe for my Xanga? Find out next time on!

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  2. I just got back from seeing this movie and WHAT ON EARTH JUST HAPPENED? This movie was insane. Just ridiculously bad. Jaden Smith is not an actor and Will Smith is literally just asleep in a chair for the second half of the movie.

    hes in the chair pretty much the whole movie, asleep for half. The best part is the scene just before the crash where Will is trying to calm down his son. I felt the intensity. After that I had no empathy for anyone.

  3. Just saw this movie. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The acting isn't great, and the story is quite predictable, but I was entertained. Weirdest part of the movie is how it seems like every piece of technology they have is biodegradable. They're wearing tin foil and leather that I'm supposed to believe can project holograms.
