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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. Dad do u think martin is cute



    Well David my boy, no. I don't. But I think you're cute. You see attraction is an instinctual feeling, nothing is definite with our bodies impulses. Now some folks like to muddy up the waters, and they'll sure try to steer you wrong, messin' round with rankings and hot-or-not scales, making you feel inadequate and reluctant to pursue ones you may feel that natural magnetism pull you toward. Not sure their intentions, Lord knows, but I like to think they mean know harm, and your old mans never been much for hypocrisy, so Ill save judgement for God. Long as you stay true to yourself, put your best foot forward, and not increase prices for rare AIDS and Chagas disease medications by over 5000%, I think you'll find a woman who sees the kind of man I see. And that's a good one.



    Well, best be gettin back inside. Your mothers gonna kill me if you catch a cold again.

    • Like 17

  2. David, there is nothing wrong with the way Martin Shkreli looks. The problems people have with Martin, and the main reason they find him unappealing, are his actions! But I guess it does suck to be an exact carbon copy of one of the most hated men of November/December 2015. Shit, you know what I just thought... this dude is gonna need a body double and I think I know some one who could use a couple of pharma dollars ;)

    • Like 12

  3. goddammit Kevin.

    cause it was hot fire


    What's a good thing to send as your first text to someone? So far I have "wat do u think bout chcikens" saved in drafts but I'm not sure that is casual enough.


    Lol you think cause your name is wargen like a war general i will be afraid to stop you from asking texting advice? Yea. Right. Okay. Ha... Dude... Just like, fuckin.. You know what, its cool. Just this once.

    • Like 10


    You were screaming 'it burns' between very loud grunts of pain. I was trying to help. :(

    I think that you're thinking of Tron. Remember, we went to school with Tron?




    If anyone is confused let me tell you all that this is classic inside joke stuff between me and norm and soup. Feel free to ignore that like button cause I can almost promise you that you dont get it. This joke is very inside! but I know the 3 amigos love it!

    • Like 8

  5. One of the many great moments in this episode is at 3:44 when Hayes begins imitating the really loud doo-wop singer.


    This has been brought up before by some great posters, but seconds later Hayes brings up the baseball glove on the table and how to throw a baseball and Tom destroys the premise of Django Unchained. It's really great and may be my favorite part of the episode.


    Hearing about Jaromir Jagr not wanting to be in the all-star game is good.


    At 1:01:34 Tom and Hayes start talking about the secret historical relationship between our founding fathers and marijuana. It's great. It leads to Weed-Centric the Entertainer and its best laugh of the year in my opinion especially if you listen to it this year.

    • Like 19

  6. haha you guys must be tokin that gas ya'll got me trippin im hearing colors and tasting music seriously who grows your shit it must be some premo shit is it hybrid? just a warning you need to go to vermont for that good shit idk why its a warning lmao yall got me so high right now but in vermont bernie sandman sent pesticides off to never never land so you know ya smokin A1 organic no gmo, thats just a little tip from me, the dude with a PHD in smokin THC haha put ya lightaz up (lil kim's biggest hit plays)

    • Like 22