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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. i have a basketball tv question for popcorn.


    why would some one trying to steal Chris Pauls identity wear glasses and a fake mustache? wouldnt that be the opposite of what u wanna do? if i saw a guy with glasses and a mustache wearing a chris paul jersey id be like "whos this dork?" What im saying is this commericial is meta but the entire premise doesnt make sense. all state is completely off their game. i know the storyline was bogus from the beginning considering Chris Paul and Cliff Paul both have sons that are completely identical, and i think theres only one explanation for that, but this is getting ridiculous. if hayes or sean could talk to some of the ad heads for all state and rework the whole thing that would be awesome. we need to terminator genysis this thing and reboot the timeline.

    • Like 6

  2. welcome to my world game of scones. ive done it a few times but each time took about an hour to figure out. then I would start to wonder why i was spending so much fucking time trying to figure it out but wtf was i gonna do? u cant give up on shit like that and surrender to stupid internet codes. u gotta win that battle. once youre 5 minutes in its already too late. if youve already spent 5 minutes, i better see a fuckin embedded video in there by the end of the week. If you havent spent 5 minutes on it then thats cool. ur in the clear. you gave up when the gettin was good. and thats smart. but one day ur gonna get a hankerig for postin an embedded video. and then youre gonna be right back at square 1. and square 1 is for losers.


    but hey, what do i know. im just a guy eating a 40 dollar steak off a paper plate.

    • Like 16

  3. Guest was very weird this week. idk why sean and hayes insist on this "call-in" bit where they put that phone filter on the guests mic and have him do a bunch of voices because it makes it really hard to even figure out who the guest is.


    i think it was Joe Mande because hes an impression master and a huge forum nerd.


    any other theories of who it was this week?

    • Like 15

  4. I used to crawl in people attics pulling wires and just putting them in random spots then magically hoping their tv and internet work. Its true that the hairstyle is buzzed or bust because the last thing u want is a little rat or a cockroach biting ur hair and eating it so it becomes big and strong and then its gonna probably kill the homeowners in their sleep!

    • Like 12

  5. I wonder if Hal is still going....


    Great job guys im so proud of yiu on a great episode.


    I didnt know we were supposed ti give notes but since hayes does notes i think im suposed to.


    Notes: this guy likes movies. U shoulda said "im sorry hal. I cant do that."

    Try not to bring up stories like batkid that people r still very emotional about.

    Remembrr in scary movie 1 where the dude almost blasts her thru the roof with his sperm?brung that up next time.

    Hayes u dont need to laugh all the time, sometines sean isnt saying something funny some times he is serious and u make it like a joke... Thats not cool.


    Otehrwise great job gotta go!


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