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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. Holy shit you three are funny! I was gonna make some joke about how funny it was, but I'm far too intimidated by you guys now


    Edit: just so you know, this recent episode doesn't show up on iTunes for me, but the Podcasts link worked

    Wow thanks a lot! we try to be funny and cool so im glad its working. dont be intimidated unless you see me as your grand master then in that case your fear is necessary to your development as a comedy warrior (we are like soldiers but stronger) thanks for the itunes heads up. i had to change hosts because soundcloud is a lot more expensive than i originally thought. it should correct itself soon.


    Hi Kevin I'm stuck at the airport for four hours and your latest podcast episode only clocks in at one hour and fifteen minutes??? What do you plan to do about this?? And before you tell me to listen to the other episodes of your show, I've already done that so TRY AGAIN.


    I can't believe I have to spend two hours and forty-five minutes NOT laughing a lot and being entertained. Absurd. one star.

    hey i wish i could have let u know earlier that if u listen to it at .25x speed it will take about 5 hours to listen to. me and all my friends listen to everything at .25x speed it makes u feel like ur robotrippin its so raw. thanks for ur kind words! maybe when i do good or bad "wine" you will join me. im looking for more experts like mark.

    • Like 19

  2. Hey guys, hope this doesnt get buried by all these great posts.



    I still have a podcast that none of you are fuckin with(i mean this in both ways lol jk but seriously) Sorry 4 the Wait.



    Good or Bad - EPISODE 4 - Bugs with guests Mark Fox(an actual bug expert, you may know him as spunky foonerism) and Josh Werth (just a guy. goes by mean detective or arnold shwarzenegger or something on here)


    Its a really funny episode but since Mark is an actual expert its informational too!

    Subscribe and like me as a person and give me 5 swirly van gogh's on itunes and anywhere else.




    New stream: http://www.podcasts....r-bad-3f5fcfa51

    Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/soundcloud/oLls




    Q: Is there another podcast with the same name and concept?

    A: Yea dude but by all accounts it aint shit and neither are you for asking that basic boy question.


    Q: Which one is yours?

    A: The one with the picture of the middle finger because i got that fuck u tude. Anastasia Vigo drew that shit, its so flame i know!


    Q: Is your podcast theme song the greatest ever? Is that you?

    A: Yes and yes, but the instrumentation is all credit to Andrew Clotworthy aka A Bear.


    Q: Where were you?

    A: #wheredawildthingsR







    Thank you. Mods please dont remove this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Like 24

  3. Did you guys hear that Obamas favorite movie of 2015 was The Martian? I bring this up because if Sean is really doing a Super Argo it would probably take place on Mars because thats the new middle east and trust me there is oil on Mars and theres probably some kind of border crossing/hostage situation brewing. He also said there was a desert. He also said its one of the bad countries and as far as im concerned most Mars related movies are bad, except for John Carter that dude is all sorts of bad ass motherfucker. Yet we keep making movies on Mars? Hmm. Is it because there is a sea of oil and if you unplug the nose of the face on mars guy it starts spewing that fresh black gold? When we watch movies like Armageddon we forget that these are all oil drillers and the government paid for that movie to be made to get oil workers geeked about going to space and boy did it work. Not sure how Sean fits into all of this but basically my theory is we keep making movies on Mars in order to cover up the oil and Sean is trying to warn us by calling it a Super argo aka super cover up. Operation martian freedom my ass.

    • Like 16

  4. My two best friends and I used to go on a fishing trip every year. We had found this sweet lake almost untouched by man in the middle of the forest by our homes. You could see through the water, clear to the bottom. We would fish and fish, big catch after bigger catch while drinking some beers, smoking some herb, and jamming out to my buddies boombox. It was our own personal paradise, but out of respect for its beauty we would make our journey once a year, as to not take too much from our eden. Then one year we geared up and headed down to the lake only to see that they had cleared many of the trees and constructed a pier and a cement walkway around the lake. There were other people there too.. Blasting their boom boxes, throwing empty beers into the water. I guess what im trying to say is, you better fuck this guy in Philadelphia before some one else does.


    edit: apparently pittsburgh is not in philadelphia, but this state called pennsylvania.

    • Like 18

  5. Hey guys remember me i posted that ashley should jump in tar and die but what u didnt know is that i was just joking and it was all part of my plan to get her fired and greggy is gonna pay me 20 cents more for doing the same job. Sometimes being a bad boy aint so bad.



    So go listen to that show he does its great. Lots of easter eggs this week. Collect all 20 and PM me for secret prize (its a slice of bread)

    • Like 22

  6. Miranda, I'm sure it's just an inside joke. Let's not forget it was Hayes who started the social media campaign #TommyChongIsHalfChinese and raised over 50,000 dollars by simply picking up his wallet, which he then used to pay for a series of memes to help aid the social media takeover. It broke the internet. I mean, did you even ask yourself how you knew he was half Chinese? I bet if you look on the back of your laptop you've probably got that Macbook sticker of Tommy holding the apple emblem with a set of chopsticks. Hayes did that. So I'm pretty sure we can give him the benefit of the doubt, but think before you leap into racist accusations.

    • Like 15