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Posts posted by kobthatreal

  1. You know what Bozos. I forgive you. because as much as we fight and kick the fucking dogshit out of Swamp Babies and we tore up theyre stupid clubhouse, i still respect them for their efforts and ability to keep fighting. I wish shosho was here cause he would probably lie and lie about how they actually captured me one time and waterboarded me with my own urine and they might make something up abouy how i actually have legs and my dong is really only 5 feet long and then i could just laugh and pull it out and when it hits the floor u will feel the earth shake on every coast (which i wont do now cause honestly i have nothing to prove to you and those swamp liars).


    -Hardall Knight

    The Gargoyle Boyz

    • Like 20

  2. Funny episode. Not the best ive ever heard but its pretty funny.



    Are you scary?

    Do you turn into a freak at night?

    Is your six pack cut from stone?

    Do you actually not have any legs its just ur dick is so big you stuff it in a pair of pants and wrap it around and around and put shoes on the bottom so it looks like u have legs?


    If you answered yes to these you can be a Gargoyle Boy.



    • Like 23

  3. It was getting late. I closed to door as Hayes left the car. I watched him walk to his door. It only took two steps cause his legs long as fuck. Legs to his tits I like to say. He waved as i got back inside my audi that is actually my moms cause my other audi is in the shop and this one is a real POS. Trust that. As he walked inside i caught a glimpsr into his home. It was full of russian nesting dolls that all looked like hayes. Thats some psycho ass shit i thought. I was about to drive off when i got a text.. "Cum inside? - hayes" ummm no thx dude lol. I aint gay!!! So i run inside as quick as i can struggling to remove my pants. I knew i shouldve stuck with loose fit. These skinnies make my bulge and butt look great but they hard to get off. I call my mom "hey mom did u make dinner?" she says no so i get sad. "Its okay mom i actually just ate." shes confused at the purpose of my phone calll. But get this... THE CALL WAS COMING FROM INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!! I look aroubd and realize i am in a hall of mirrors like u see at the carnival. I stand infront of the one that makes u really skinny and think "i am still swole as fuck." i stand infront of one that makes u short and pull out my dong. "WWow. No matter how u look at it, its touchig the floor." i forget whos house im in entirely so i try to find the front door so i can go hone and bang my girlfriend.. Ice been so horny lately. I find myself rubbing my front parts on bus bench. Anyway, i find the door and when i open it i see a little boy flying with a jetpack. I am in TOMORROWLAND. dr house takes one look at me and is pissedl. He and i both know im not supposed to be there. A tiny robo lady helps me and i fall in love with her. The earth is going to destroy itself, but why? The reason is because george clooney invented this machine that predicts the future and it is a self fulfilling prophecy of destruction. Wow. What a day. goodnight.

    • Like 21

  4. I too enjoy several of the products advertised on my favorite podcasts.


    I love almost all of my purchases, mainly my socks without the toe bumps, forgive me for forgetting the name. I recently asked my girlfriend to try privlo so she can pay me for our farce of a marriage and allow her to live in the country. However it appears there are multiple agencies spying and overseeing privlos "private" loan databases in order to flush out illegal immigrants. And be forewarned that includes those from Europe as well. Goodbye Katarina. I digress as this wasn't even the worst of it. I had just finished listening to the 420 edition of Matt Bessers improv4humams that had an advertisement for some cheaply priced nitrous oxide canisters. After losing Kat to the alphabet boys I decided to say fuck it and started doing more whip it's than that 80s nerd band that wore Lego buckets on their heads. Every balloon left me feeling like I was staring into the abyss of a snowy television screen while blackhawk choppers came flyin out of each ear. Soon enough the whip its weren't cutting it. I'll spare you the sob story and just say that you don't eat the needles you find on the street. In D.A.R.E. they don't really explain to you how you're supposed to do the drugs and at least the whip its and the pills are pretty straight forward but once u have to start cooking things it's really complicated and maybe I would've at least been functional with a job if not for the hypodermics sticking out through my cheeks. You do get high but I think it's mostly from the pain and adrenaline.



    So yea great episode I love the best of stuff. I am reminded each week why I love this podcast.

    • Like 21

  5. great episode. these guys Hayes and Sean are great! nick was funny as a guest! i hope he returns soon but middledicth we need back asap!!!



    hey new forumers. this is ur last week before a new swarm of fans come in so maybe we should do a google hangout and just viibe. we can set a time on here if u want. if ur too scred i understand but its cool to put talking faces to ur read names.

    • Like 20

  6. oh my god!!!! yess!!!! we are back baby!


    i hope my script for season 2 makes it through the selection process! last time i was so nervous but luckily sean used his veto power over Hayes to let me be episode 3!


    so yea for u new users basically u submit the scripts to sean and hayes at their personal emails that they give out to the select few who obviously have writing talent. once they are submitted they go through the selection process and choose the top 3 that would make some kind of sense if u put them in order.


    i am not sure if theyre still doing the missig secret episode but if u dont think ur top 3 material dont give up because theres a chance u could be secret episode!!!

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