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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. according to the frinkiac search engine that never happened
  2. I listened to half of this ep on an airplane, and the other half in a car. only in america!
  3. here comes Hayes and Sean. Woah oh
  4. I just saw The Force Awakens for the first time. Don't have kids
  5. SteveH

    Episode 413 - Cranking It to Coldplay

    Pretty sure he's kidding
  6. SteveH

    Episode 413 - Cranking It to Coldplay

    i liked this episode. glad it wasn't as highly controversial as the last one
  7. SteveH

    Episode 413 - Cranking It to Coldplay

    a real missed opportunity during the Daly-Sully restaurant. What about the Sullen-Burger? It's like a sad hamburger
  8. Where I come from 5-4 is a zone defense we play in 9 on 9 basketball. Also, we play 9 on 9 basketball where I come from. It's very crowded
  9. JeffreyParties, this is a networking opportunity for you. CEO's are talking about you! go get 'em!
  10. April fool's was 4 days ago, hombre
  11. Fizzy, Miss Lizzy The Continuing Story of Bubbly Bill Happiness is a Warm Can (of seltzer) Strawberry Fizz Forever Fizzing a Hole Golden Seltzer I've Just Seen a Fizz Sgt Seltzer's Lonely Hearts Club Band Carbonation Carbonation 9 With a Little Help From My Fizz
  12. SteveH

    Episode 412 - Little Whittle Whistle

    you guys are lucky Jen Kirkman doesn't read this forum. You'd all be in big trouble.
  13. SteveH

    Live show 21+ vs all ages

    for the one show, you have to be over the age of 21 to get in. For the other one, you can be any age. Hope this helps!
  14. SteveH

    Episode 412 - Little Whittle Whistle

    great job, everyone
  15. The walking dead has more commercials than the Super Bowl
  16. We're barely better than the other forums at this point. Still better...but barely.
  17. but we LOVE cheeseburgers, and we also think hot dogs are great. So maybe the inventor of cheeseburgers peruses the forum, and, taking note of our enthusiasm for hot dogs, comes up with the idea to put hot dogs on a cheeseburger, or make one of those long hamburger tubes like they have at 7-11.