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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. This has Scripps written all over it
  2. my valentine's name is still SteveH...but the H stands for HEARTS, baby
  3. According to my Facebook feed, there are actually a lot of people who have some pretty interesting takes on it.
  4. I think it was recorded at Brett's house. The fact that Brett has soundproofed the walls in his home is concerning. also - really great ep. I thought 'touchdunk was v funny v good 10/10
  5. SteveH

    Episode 400 - The War on Surfing

    Sounds like an ep of With Special Guest... to me
  6. the best part about that translation is how it perfectly translates from swedish to english in google translate. not one word out of place
  7. SteveH

    Episode 400 - The War on Surfing

    I live in the NY area. Show on May 13. My wife's due date is May 17th. I should probably go, right? what are the odds
  8. I missed it, but apparently there was a "Walken closet" ad during the SouprBowl last night. Sean Clements - Mad Man?
  9. Do you think Dixon is Daryl Dixon from walking dead? I don't picture daryl as the type of guy who would be good at photoshop and stuff, but who knows
  10. SteveH

    Episode 399 - Trump vs. Bernie

    P.S. there was a radiolab episode about the autistic kid Gilbert was talking about http://www.radiolab.org/story/juicervose/ give it a listen if you want to have a good cry
  11. SteveH

    Episode 399 - Trump vs. Bernie

    gorgeous harmonies. I've heard of Simon and Garfunkel, but Simon and Gottfried?
  12. SteveH

    Episode 399 - Trump vs. Bernie

    You're right. That was probably a little unfair. What I should have said was - it sounded to me like there were a few moments that made Scott a little uncomfortable. But what do I know? Maybe he was very comfortable
  13. SteveH

    Episode 399 - Trump vs. Bernie

    maybe it's just me, but for me, I think that this wasn't Scott's favorite episode
  14. I just found out I have to go to Pittsburgh for work in like 2 weeks, so I'll be available to record a live episode of the Ashley and JeffrieParties show. Just call my publicist
  15. sounds like we got a couple of Hayes-Heads over here
  16. is Hayes back for good or was this just - what the french would call - a weekend rendezvous?
  17. Greggy will be featured in Paper magazine's next 'break the internet' feature. photoshop people - that's your cue
  18. Still waiting for Todds karaoke cover of 'outside'
  19. he's never even been mentioned in the AV Club, let alone praised for his masterful improv
  20. hey, this is my thing. you beat me to it. Congrats Greggy! I'll miss your posts on the forum
  21. SteveH

    Best HH clips?

    the one with no guest
  22. We don't make fun of France anymore. Now conservatives don't like Sweden, so we have Freedom Meatballs and Freedom massages.