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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. I think an under appreciated CBB is #345 - shifting bouncy. Paul Brittain is great. Please consider it when you enter the voting booth
  2. So you can only eat the Mac and cheese if you don't like turkey? Weird tradition.
  3. Yours was way too subtle. Maybe if you'd gone with Red Claws I would have picked up on it
  4. I got married in Portland MAINE deal with that you bunch of west coast patchoulis
  5. Already taken care of. It's called The Singularity Award and you can view it on the league homepage in all its' glory
  6. All I eat is slimy kiwi so this is great for me. thanks!
  7. don't be a good sport. this is war. I'll see you in the playoffs
  8. I used to work in market research, and I can tell you that this almost definitely already exists https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claritas_Prizm - for a fun party game. Look through this increasingly depressing list of segments that market research companies have placed the population. Which one are you? Go around the table at thanksgiving and try to classify all of your family members and friends!
  9. Here's what I think about SNL - it's a sketch comedy show with a rotating cast. They write and rehearse each episode in one week and then perform it live on Saturday night at 11:30 PM on NBC. Some sketches are really funny. Some are kind of funny. Some are not very funny. I hope that wasn't too controversial Update: This might be stoking the fire - but I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I didn't add that there's also a different host every week. Some hosts are great. Some are pretty good, and some are not good at all. there's also a different Muuuuuusical guest (scott aukerman) every week. I won't editorialize on this b/c I fast forward through this part of the show 90% of the time. The end.
  10. love to hear the boys stickin it to Howl
  11. For me, this post is the winner of this thread. Better luck next week ya jerks
  12. You already won. Why even bother
  13. Here's your weekly Podmass update from SteveH: "Though this is probably true for most of the episodes, listeners truly get the sense that the guys are trying their hardest to make each other laugh and break character. The banter highlights just how comfortableHollywood Handbook has become with its tone, allowing everyone to revel in the strange details that make it one of the best comedy podcasts out there." [ Rebecca Bulnes ]
  14. I might need to create a trophy for this loss. Losing to a team with 3 empty spots? Also, when we don't do this again next year, Hayes will not be invited. Maybe we'll have better luck with Sean, or engineer Cody Boy.
  15. SteveH

    Idea for Season 2

    Cactus Tony really needs an ep. Is he dead?
  16. Why do all the Pittsburgh people work inside of industrial food appliances? I seem to recall Jeffrey mentioning that he works inside a deep fryer or something
  17. that dog has blond hair on top of his head. Can you even believe it?
  18. me too. But mainly because I didn't know there was a bonus CBB ep until around noon because of the amazing Howl app.
  19. this is perhaps my favorite thing that has ever happened in any form of entertainment. I love how Todd Glass gets so worked up and defensive about things that no one is actually saying to him.
  20. When the daily show/colbert were in their prime, I would try to turn people on to it who weren't watching but I could never properly articulate what the shows were really about. You just summed this up so perfectly. Where were you when I needed you in 2005? Also - no one ever mentions "Kiss me I'm Patrick McMahon". Some of the other ones might be funnier, but that ep just makes me so happy. I like the whole vibe of it - it's a real delight. I might even have shed a single tear when Patrick is named Irish Person of the Year.