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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. I modeled my free-throw shooting form after Anthony Mason
  2. weirdly enough, this is happening when I try to like greggy's post. Some kind of cosmic justice? edit: and now the picture won't even display. I think I pissed off the wrong guy..
  3. welcome friend - this isn't CBB. You don't have to post in the thread for the specific episode you're talking about. Just post whatever you want in the current weeks' thread. Here are some examples of things you might like to post in the forum thread created for the most recent ep of Hollywood Handbook comments/observations about that week's episode comments/observations about any episode discussions about other podcasts pictures of your Dad pictures of your dog embarrassing stories about yourself celebrity encounters recipes short stories fan fiction erotic fiction pictures of what you're eating announcements (births, deaths, marriages) unboxing videos video reviews of (but not limited to) food or drink products songs you've written plug your band plug your podcast (I think you're required to either have a podcast or have one in development) However, do not post about the TV show Survivor. There is a separate thread for that. Hope you find this helpful.
  4. when they had a limit on the # of likes you could give out, did anyone ever say "I came here to kick ass and give out likes, and I'm all out of likes" ? update: I just did a search on the term "out of likes" in the HH and RSS forums and it turns out no one ever used that incredible joke. Sorry to say it, but you OG forumers are way over-rated IMO. 39 episodes of RSS and 60+ eps of HH and it took me to come up with that gem? SMH...
  5. SteveH

    EPISODE 386 — Titbit for Tatbit

    who is the mysterious young lady sitting next to Bob in the studio in one of the episode photos?
  6. Thanks. Just for the record - if I had listened a 2nd time, I totally would have gotten that.
  7. The recent ep that had Hayes and Julie Klausner was a pretty good one.
  8. My team is awful, and now stupid Julian Edelman is injured. First Bell, now Edelman. Eli Manning has a bye this week (you were wrong Hayes) and I play freakin elizamuffins. My season is done.
  9. My favorite thing about new york is the exaggerated accents rappers used to do back in the 80s/90s. The pinnacle of this was certainly German dance music combination Real McCoy. When I was going to school in North Carolina, and started to feel a little homesick for the NY/NJ area, I would just put on this song, listen to this white German guy rap "I TAWK TAWK I TAWK TO YOU", and it would just feel like home. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAXGlx_m2xM
  10. SteveH

    EPISODE 386 — Titbit for Tatbit

    I apologize to the person that submitted the song, but the second plugs theme brought the incredible streak of amazing plugs themes to a screeching halt. Great ep(s)
  11. I think this geico commercial is probably the best representation of NY. Do they have these commercials in other places that are tailored to accurately depict your area?
  12. Who's going to Forum-Con in February? It's at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, RI this year. Greggy is giving the key note address.
  13. hollywood handbook ad at the end of today's CBB ep. Sriracha clip. Sean.
  14. alright guys, I didn't want to get involved in this but here are the definitive podcast rankings: 1. Channel 33 2. NPR Politics Podcast 3. This American Life 4. Dan Carlin's Hardcore History 5. Serial 6. TED Radio Hour 7. Surprisingly Awesome 8. Radiolab 9. Stuff You Should Know 10. Women of the Hour with Lena Dunham
  15. Speaking of Box Angeles - is there any explanation of why his nickname is "box"? I couldn't find one. Seems like he just wanted to name his podcast something that kind of rhymes with Los Angeles? So he made up "box"? It's like if I wanted to start a podcast about New York and just called it Through York hosted by Steve "Through" H
  16. I didn't know what Slack was. I had to google it. oh god
  17. everyone excited for a big comedy good time night tonight on netflix? Mulaney special and with Bob and David. I know I am. Oh. what's that? you guys aren't all nearly in your mid 30s and don't have trouble staying up past 10:30 even on the weekends because 6:30 AM is the equivalent of sleeping in? Well, have fun doing your beer bongs or whatever you kids do. I haven't been this excited for a Friday night in a long time.
  18. It's a pretty tight race to the bottom in this league so I'm sure that playoff picture will change. Other than Elizamuffin's dominance, and nerd about sports awfulness, it's pretty even. Even "Mr. New York" Hayes Davenport has a shot I think (if he sets his lineup)
  19. I adjusted the playoffs so now the top 6 teams are in. I didn't realize the default setting was to be dumb. Here's what it would look like if playoffs started today. So, even if I win in the first round, I just go on to get crushed by the mighty Muffins
  20. Forum - I present this screenshot to you without further comment.
  21. I just want to say I'm a huge fan of mikebonetti live-foruming his trip across the country. Some real gonzo forumism
  22. SteveH

    Best HH clips?

    I think this clip is a perfect example of why Hayes and Sean need each other. Obviously, Sean is doing all of the heavy lifting in these stories, but Hayes' little comments throughout really bring it all together. Somehow, Hayes saying "MMM HMM" after Sean says "when I was a teenager I beat up a cop" is the funniest thing ever.