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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. it's so good, it makes me retroactively hate every other TV show that I used to love
  2. Season 1 was good, although depressing, but season 2 is on a completely different level. It's like 1000X better. You just have to slog through the depression of season 1 so you can be rewarded in season 2
  3. Speaking of eating food, the Leftovers is an amazingly good show. Start watching it now if you haven't seen it.
  4. You're right. God, I can be so self conscious sometimes!
  5. you just became possibly the most interesting person on the forums right now. Is anyone else using a gigantic propane blow torch to burn weeds and grass?
  6. SteveH

    EPISODE 385 — The Beatles of Cults

    I liked this ep. John Mulaney is my favorite person. The end.
  7. Do you think it's possible that Howl has already jumped the shark?
  8. You have to throw that shirt out. I don't mean that as an insult to Honlads in any way (he rulz!). But the shirt itself...yikes
  9. Please join me and Jeffrey every Monday for new episodes of Speculanianation! Each week, we'll invite one forum member to speculate on the personal life of a podcast host that was submitted by the previous weeks guest. Then a group of talented improvisers will perform a narrative improv based on a suggestion by the guest. Episode one will feature speculation about Hayes Davenport, with special guest, Funky Spoonerism!
  10. I feel awkward about this b/c Hayes does look at the forums so he'll probably think I'm weird and creepy for speculating on his actual life on a forum, but all the information I know is from stuff he's said on other podcasts so it's really fair game. And I am weird. And a total Hayes-Head Hayes mentioned on another podcast that he'd be moving to NY for 5 months or so to write for this show. I assume this is the show he's working on with his best friend Tom Scharpling. Because I am a creep, I also know that he has a long term lady friend that he lives with, so my guess would be that he would probably be making some trips back and forth (and hopefully squeeze in a recording of a HH ep) while he's still working on the show and then move back to LA and back to what's really important, which is recording a weekly podcast for which I'm sure he gets paid very little money to do. My best guess would be that we have a couple of months of sporadic Hayes appearances on the show, and then things will be back to normal. If he was just moving away forever, they'd probably just cancel the show, right? Although, if I were Hayes, I might be getting a little nervous because Sean has been KILLING IT. This has been the speculation station with SteveH
  11. didn't the scuzzman have a different voice in his first appearance? Anyway, great ep. v funny v good 8/10 (2 points docked for lack of Hayes). Although, what a delight it was to hear a classic Hayes big laugh, even if it was over the phone. are you a: Sean Supporter (ClemFan) Hayes Head Dom Devotee ScuzzFan
  12. Like the one with the kid who's a drummer in a band and he takes smoke breaks during practice and his bros seem mildly irritated at him? That seems great. Playing drums and smokin butts.
  13. i like that regardless of whether or not they write about HH in podmass, the entire comments section is always about HH anyway. We'll discuss that and much more on next weeks PODCAST 2.0 episode, featuring SteveH and ElizaMuffins
  14. you just named my 2 favorite things about my office job. access to the internet and being paid money
  15. SteveH

    For the Teaser Freezer, God Willing

    Too easy. The boys don't pick the low hanging fruit
  16. Sorry I only have the 10th most posts this week. My mom has been here visiting since Thursday. It's been pretty awful. Moms. Am I right?
  17. We got a regular David and Donna over here DA NA NA NA DA NA NA NA
  18. Scuzzman - how are you? No. Really. How are you?
  19. guys, building a website is hard. I don't know anything about coding or anything. Is there something that has beautiful, clean design and you can just drag and drop to build a website? Also, I don't want to use a credit card to start a free trial. Can anyone help with that?
  20. how's the school system? what's its walkability score?
  21. no one is a huge jets fan. come on
  22. i want to move. Does anyone have a house in a cool place that they want to sell me? Thanks.
  23. speaking of the world's #1 podcast fan good job, Skizelo. I considered calling out the burger boy on this too. Glad someone showed enough moxie to stand up to this guy p.s. I just emailed the doughboys and asked that they have Sean and/or Hayes on