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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. What's the diff between a guy who plays with little wooden men and a guy who gives little men wood (and also can't hear)? Ones Jeff Dunham and ones deaf Jon Hamm. Nailed it. Bonus joke: What do you get when you cross the founder of a famous Gentlemans magazine and an actor who starred in a show about a biker gang? Hef Hunnam.
  2. Can you believe there's christmas stuff out already? Halloween is barely over! It seems like it comes earlier and earlier every year! -this has been a conversation you will overhear in a store at least 5 times over the next few weeks
  3. SteveH


    i hope this is a real guy
  4. this post piqued my interest, so I clicked the link to listen to this previously ignored post. I'm at work, so I plugged my headphones into my laptop, but for some reason the sound still came out of the speakers, so this is probably my last day at this job. Thanks a lot.
  5. oh geez. it's like a regular Jessie and AC Slater over here
  6. I have a kid. He watches the PBS kids shows. Regularly. That guy in the photo in Chickn's post looks like Henry Francis from Mad Men. Is that him? Things must have gone downhill really quickly for him. He's already doing modeling jobs for stock photos that they use in PowerPoint presentations at your office job?
  7. in an ep full of classic moments, one of my faves was definitely "this is the comb he used to pull all the nettles and pine cones out of my hair after I got stuck in that tree. I was climbing this pine tree and Hayes agreed to watch because I told him I was gonna climb so high this time." Let's start a petition to get the International Academy of Podcast Arts to get Sean on the short list of nominees for the 2016 Poddy for best performance in a podcast series
  8. Too many videos. Come on, guys. What is this? Amateur hour?
  9. Sean is so punk rock. He didn't even talk to the engineer. Take that John Rotten! happy birthday Chanson I miss you Hayes
  10. HH also got their 2nd entry into the 'pod-canon' http://splitsider.com/2015/11/tom-scharpling-hollywood-handbook-made-anti-comedy-for-the-ages/
  11. We'll discuss that and a whole lot more on next weeks' episode of PodCast with H and Seeley! Look for it on Feral Audio
  12. PodMass update: "The episode is chock-full of quotable moments, and everyone involved is at the top of their game, perfecting their place in theHollywood Handbook universe. It’s an instant classic."
  13. SteveH

    EPISODE 384 β€” Numbers Cannot Lie

    PFT has a real set of pipes on him. I think one of my favorite vocal performances (other than the national anthem, of course) was him and Scott's acapella rendition of 'white rabbit' on one of the best-of eps a few years back. Chilling.
  14. SteveH

    EPISODE 384 β€” Numbers Cannot Lie

    solid ep. Made me proud to be an american again.
  15. being 3 minutes late to the draft really screwed me. It auto-drafted Leveon Bell as my first pick. He missed the 1st 2 games of the season b/c of weed and now he injured himself and is probably out for the rest of the season. Punctuality is important
  16. yeah, my friend Jordan Rodgers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_Rodgers
  17. I can't get my profile pic to change, so this is what I look like forever. Get used to it. edit: it changed. Now I wear a pilgrim hat for Thanksgiving. The wearing of this pilgrim hate does not condone nor endorse any activities that the pilgrims may or may not have been involved with in and around Plymouth Rock, MA around the time of the first thanksgiving. p.s. You always hear about the first thanksgiving, but never the 2nd or 3rd. Was this something that only happened once, and then there was a period of a few hundred years where it didn't happen until it became a holiday? Or did the pilgrims and Indians native americans actually keep this tradition going?
  18. Can you believe robotam actually watched Jeff Dunham YouTube clips bc he really thought he was gonna be the guest. You fell right into their trap dude. You got trolled bro
  19. Do you guys think Jeff Dunham is actually the guest or is this another one of the scuzzmans famous blunders
  20. What about their famous catchphrase - please speak about that
  21. he's real, and he's spectacular
  22. my kid is a skelington. That's 2 kid pictures on the forums in 1 week so I'm done forever now. He's gonna be so freaked out in 20 years when he signs up for the forums to comment on episode 1100 of Hollywood Handbook and finds pictures of himself on here.