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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. who graduates at Halloween time? Where did you go to school? Monsters University?
  2. do you think Donald Trump and Gene Simmons are friends? Can you imagine hanging out with those guys?
  3. http://www.avclub.com/article/its-bonessleepy-hollow-crossover-no-one-was-waitin-227633 I've never watched Bones but I was prepared for this thanks to the fact that work has been extremely slow so I spend 8 hours refreshing 5 different websites periodically all day
  4. Silly Dingdong Boy is employing a classic forum commenting tactic called 'negging' in order to gain approval
  5. You should try to make a career out of being a podcast/comedy archivist.
  6. I can't remember what this alleged feud was supposed to be about, allegedly. I think someone made a comment in passing on a podcast, and I was dying to know more details about it. I may have even gotten this info from someone on the forums, so you know it's a credible source. They were working on a TV show together at one point that never happened...I think it had something to do with that. I gotta listen to this, and I hope Hayes can re-unite them. That CBB ep Scharpling was on a long time ago is one of my faves. It was with PFT as Garry Marshall and Weird Al
  7. yeah, I used to listen occasionally back when it was on the radio (but I listened to it as a podcast. I'm not an animal). I've started going back and listening to all the eps since it came back in podcast only form. I've noticed some weird similarities between Tom and Chief Howler Scott Anchorman - they both like to do a Dom Pardo impression, they both like to do a Ringo impression and say "peace and love peace and love", they both love making fun of entourage and Billy Crystal. I don't think either one of them is stealing from the other, because that would be weird and those are fairly universal things. They should be better friends and appear on each other's podcasts (Tom was on 1 CBB a long time ago), but I think Tom and PFT had some sort of feud and I'll bet ol' Anchorman is caught in the middle.
  8. SteveH

    The Ads

    I like the story Hayes told on a different podcast about Quickbooks being with furious with the boys over their ad because of pedophilia
  9. Has anyone been listening to (or is a long time listener of) Hayes' best friend Tom Scharpling's podcast? I won't name it on these boards out of respect.
  10. I'm getting killed. Hayley Huntleys team had a bye last week. Hal Rudnick has been out for 3 weeks with a torn ligament in his brain
  11. I'm a New Jersey nets fan. Derrick Coleman, Rex Walters,Drazen petrovic, Kenny Anderson ...the whole crew
  12. Here's a pic of my son painting a pumpkin. As you can tell from his face, he's not impressed. (like that gymnast from the olympics or some other meme)
  13. I think I have that trashcan at home, it's from Ikea. but his name isn't Douglas, it's Dokument. Actually it's Dok U. Ment (the U stands for Urnest). Ikea just stylized it to be fancy, but he'll always be Dok to me.
  14. Ugh it's like a regular Dr Jean Grey and Cyclops in here
  15. by now you guys are probably acquainted with my prudish dad "persona" on these forums. So you can probably understand why the suicide house eps are not my favorite, what with those 2 crass monsters talking about performing... oral...stimulation.. on dogs and engaging in other salacious acts. I prefer my comedy to be a little more high-brow - take 'iBrain' by Brett Gelman, for example. Now THAT's comedy!
  16. I live in an apt., so I don't have anywhere to put a cornhole set. I've really got my sights set on that license plate frame. I feel like I'd get more respect on the road if I was drivin around with something like that.
  17. Congrats to RoboTam! You made the PodMass comments section this week!
  18. I shot myself in the foot and I deserve the loss I'm going to get served up at the hands of Norm. I had Antonio Gates starting, saw he was injured,picked up his back up TE, but then forgot to start him so I got a big ol' goose egg from gates when I could have gotten 14 from the other guy. hint, hint http://promo.espn.go.com/espn/contests/pizzahut/2015/commish/index?next=home
  19. I definitely would not bother defending suicide house. This is still a safe place. compliment sandwich: Brett Gelman's rap about the NRA was pretty impressive. _______________________________________________ suicide house sucks. __________________________________________________ I didn't realize each segment for this ep was recorded separately until after I listened, so it was a masterful feat of editing by....i'm gonna say Engineer Cody. Definitely not Brett. Gotta be cody boy