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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. It's fall now. Something you may not know about me is that fall is my favorite season. Tonight I'm making a sweet potato and sausage soup. It's very delicious and fall like. Football is on. It's still a little warmer outside than I'd like, but we'll get there. have a pleasant evening.
  2. Maybe I forgot to mention that I'm a howl premium subscriber. So I paid for the right to criticize podcasts that I like
  3. When is Marc Maron ever gonna tell us What the fuck? Is it like a how I met your mother thing?
  4. I think this is my fault and I regret it. I used to only listen to This American Life and Radiolab before I discovered comedy podcasts. I was a much better person back then.
  5. shots fired! couldn't agree more. One the one hand, I think it's like a rule not to put your own money into making a movie, BUT the issue is this is not a movie that should have ever been made (was it made?) That whole thing kind of turned me off...If you want to go see your family that you've never met, just go do that. You don't have to make it into a movie. It's very narcissistic and 'hollywood'. It makes me cringe thinking about what a cliche her family in Laos must have thought she was. Here's your long lost cousin from America hollywood with her camera crew. Go meet her for the first time. ..and action! Remember your blocking. Don't look directly into the camera
  6. never not funny? more like never not googling right those guys are always looking stuff up!
  7. I do like hearing Hayes get compliments and I like Howard so...pressing play....now.
  8. What the hell is Hey gang? why are there so many podcasts? Also, points for 'haye fever' I'm glad to hear some people agree about womping it up. I never want to be the guy to go on the forum and say 'WAAA I DIDN'T LIKE THIS EPISODE I DONT LIKE THAT CHARACTER', but I do want to see other people saying it. I go on the CBB forums to find a guy who likes to complain so I can give a knowing smile to myself, 'like' his post and go on with my day. But it never happens... ...so I go on the forum for a different show and complain about an episode 3 weeks later. I feel a weight has been lifted from my shoulders
  9. I thought that was just an exaggeration, but it turns out he's actually 51. I may have to re-think some of my earlier statements
  10. I have very complicated feelings about Doug Benson. I agree with the thing that everyone says about a 50 year old guy just only talking about weed all the time being sad. but it's really just the idea of that I don't like. I didn't watch his movie about him smoking pot and then not smoking pot or whatever, because who cares? I watched one ep of getting doug with high and it was not particularly enjoyable, so I didn't watch any more. Whenever I occasionally listen to DLM or hear him as a guest on other podcasts, I find him to be likeable and funny. I think maybe what's really happening here is resentment towards a guy who had made a pretty comfortable living for himself just by being known as a funny guy who smoke a lot of weed. Everybody knows that guy. Maybe some of us even are that guy, but Benson is getting paid for it.
  11. Is this is a safe place to complain about other podcasts? Let's do it. Hollywood Handbook - it's great and I never have any complaints. always laughing. always having fun Comedy Bang Bang - I love it. some eps are better than others. Forum commenters are weirdly nit-picky about everything that happens. My one complaint - I reallly don't like the most recent, and past, Marissa Womplers Birthday eps. Too many people. everyone is yelling and stepping on each other's jokes. No one on the CBB forums shares this opinion. They're all just jerking each other off over how great it is. I'm confused and it makes me uncomfortable to have opinions that are different from most people. Someone please validate me. SPONT - PFT is a delight (regardless of how he treats souprman and JacobC). I enjoy the interview section, but the improv part I could take or leave sometimes Who Charted - I'm a casual fan of this show. Only really listen when I like the guest. Seems like every episode is pretty much the same. They need more charts! Howard is funny, but Kulap think he's too funny, if that makes sense. Lauren Lapkus - some eps were pretty funny. I missed the last 30 so I can't really say This has been the round-up
  12. I think this might be a probably of not being able to convey tone through typing. You just have to read everything PFT types aloud in his jovial, smiley voice and your feelies won't get hurt.
  13. Stop apping off in the bathroom and maybe you won't drop your phone in the toilet so much
  14. SteveH


    we're still doing this, huh?
  15. SteveH

    EPISODE 376 β€” Romantic Tommy D

    know your history, guys http://www.earwolf.c...y-thanksgiving/ disclaimer: posting the link to this episode is not intended as an endorsement of said episode
  16. its like a mixture of being proud and profound
  17. SteveH

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    Jennifer SlatΓ©
  18. Hey bro, cool sunglassesoh, thanks. You too, man.
  19. This has been one of the strongest 4 hour stretches of forum posting in recent history.
  20. let's all start sharing old fantasy league stories... A guy I was in a league with last year started out 7-0 and ended up 7-7. Strange things can happen.
  21. hold the phone. Are you telling me that was Hayes? Not Johnny Depp? Hayes Davenport? From Hollywood Handbook? Hayes must have lived in Johnny Depp's basement for months, much like the way Depp himself lived with Hunter F. Tompkins before he made Fear and Loathing.
  22. Listening to this was very rewarding as a handbook head. I didn't realize that Sean's character on HH was based on Greggy's kid.