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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. I got Shaun too. P.s. Thanks for the laughs. I laughed my whole butt off. Like the whole thing P.p.s since I'm on this site now, you guys should know that "The Villain I'm Most Like When I'm Angry" is The Joker
  2. What the hell is this? Some bureaucratic corporate mandate handed down from Mr. Scripps?
  3. CBB - you're on notice. check yourself
  4. yeah you got real lucky. No one would have expected those 2 no-names to do good football
  5. HH in the News "It’s a concept-breaking episode—indeed, Clements isn’t even a part of it—but the final payoff, when Skully sticks the existential landing, might be the purest distillation of Hollywood Handbook’s famous anti-humor to date." -The AV Club on episode 101
  6. SteveH

    EPISODE 376 — Romantic Tommy D

    you mean when she brought up the name of "someone he used to know in the 90s"?. He definitely did.
  7. SteveH

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    Andy Kaufman
  8. throw in dez bryant and you've got yourself a deal my friend
  9. holy shit this was a really funny ep. that was a good comment.
  10. I think you're thinking of that show Black Mirror Update: why are there soooo many file photos of David Cameron with pigs? He should have seen this coming.
  11. I watched ex machina tonight I'm a little behind on my movie watching. Pretty good, right?
  12. What was the inspiration for your famous character, "additional voices" in Monsters Inc.
  13. Allan -what questions haven't Sean or Hayes asked you? -Describe the color yellow to someone who's blind -If you were at a business lunch and ordered a rare steak and they brought it to you well-done, what would you do?
  14. Allan, Are you that kid from Moonrise Kingdom?
  15. we all know Ringo Stardogs real name is of course - Richard Barkey
  16. 9/11 was an Earwolf job In 1977 the E.W. Scripps moved their corporate headquarters from New York City to Cincinnati, OH. A seemingly strange move for such a large and powerful company. Almost as if Mr. Scripps knew that he needed to leave NYC to keep his company safe. In 2009, comedian Steve Rannazzisi appeared on the popular podcast WTF with Marc Maron, where he told the now infamous story of how he escaped from the world trade center, while working for a company that did not have offices in the building. The revelation that Rannazzzisi's story was an outright lie was brought to light shortly after E.W. Scripps acquired Earwolf/Mid Roll, and subsequently launched the Howl Premium app. Part of this deal included maintaining exclusive rights to the archived episodes of WTF with Marc Maron. The very podcast where this twisted tale began. How can one listen to the episode from 2009 where Mr. Rannazzisi first begins spinning his web of lies? By shelling out $4.99 a month for Howl Premium, of course. Coincidence? You decide.
  17. hey..keep that filth over on the CBB forums where it belongs
  18. Too many what in your closet? Come on...you know you wanna say it. Stop censoring yourselves.
  19. If we can work out a 3 team trade that somehow gets Phil Simms on my team, I'm in.
  20. from left to right -Shaquille O'neal ca. 2010 -corpsefucker shitlord -anastasia -Lagunitas Brewing co. founder and CEO, Tony Magee update: my answer is the same for both pictures
  21. He was also great when he played for the Charlotte Hornets with Larry 'Grandmama' Johnson and Mugsy Bogues. Remember that?