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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. Right on the front page my friend
  2. This post got the elusive ClemDawg like. Now we know what it takes to get one - gotta feed that ego
  3. I hope they release this live ep. I can't pay $25 to stream the whole LA Podfest What if I accidentally see something called "Alonzo Bodden: Who's paying attention?"
  4. Transparency is my middle name. I voted for cash money baby.
  5. I didn't get it. Bob Einstein - Albert Brooks' brother? Hustler doesn't have stores. I don't like this reference and I don't care to know any more about it.
  6. I feel like people are still confused about the money thing, so I'm going to try and summarize it here. Please use your best reading comprehension skills to absorb this information. The league dues was managed through DraftKings.com When I set it up, it asks you to set a deadline for the dues to be paid. I set the deadline for the day of the draft. Not everyone paid Because not everyone paid, DraftKings cancels the whole thing and refunds everybody's money. THE DRAFT KING HAS REFUNDED YOUR MONEY, BUT IT IS IN YOUR DRAFTKINGS.COM BALANCE. IF YOU WANT YOUR ACTUAL CASH BACK YOU CAN DO THAT THROUGH THE SITE (My Account) I put a poll up on the ESPN fantasy league site asking if we should try again with the money. We're currently in a stalemate of 3 for/3 against. Someone vote.
  7. I thought you were playing me. And I'm not happy about it because I was 3 minutes late for the draft and ESPN auto-drafted that dirty pothead Leveon Bell. I don't have the patience to wait 2 weeks for this guy to start playing legalize it. Free LeVeon Bell. Good night.
  8. Throw out the handbook, baby. The boys have cracked 100 eps (eggs) and things are gonna start getting weird. I had a legitimate feeling of pride and satisfaction when Eggs and Grease nose almost got it right on the last attempt. p.s. tomorrow is my birthday. Looking forward to my 20 minute youtube video. Thanks in advance, guys.
  9. you got me Norm. Here's a picture of me and the Draft King from a bbq he had at his place labor day weekend.
  10. i still haven't gotten my money credited back from the draft king. Have any of you? I wanted to wait until we got that back before asking everyone to throw their money away.
  11. the might Hayes Likers making some poor decisions on the starting line-up. me and Chefski locked in a race to the bottom in an awful, low scoring match up that will almost certainly end in a victory for him after Adrian Peterson scores 3 TDs tonight. This has been week 1 fantasy re-cap
  12. Is your dad Mario Perillo "Mr Italy"? That might be a local reference. Let's find out...
  13. SteveH

    EPISODE 374 — Tick Tock Clawk

    I love the timekeeper. he's the best worst character of all.....time. I also loved how legitimately awful the new no-nos were. This may be the best/worst (berst? borst?) ep ever. My favorite part of the timekeeper's first appearance (6th anniversary ep?) was how pretty much anytime he would say anything, Scott would just say "OK, timekeeper", and move on.
  14. The first time I listened to Hollywood Handbook it was on a computer, around last christmas. I was living upstairs in my in-laws' house. I was unemployed. Now I live in a 1 bedroom apartment with my wife and son. I also have a job, which I am at right now, writing this very post while on a conference call I don't need to be on. Thanks Hollywood Handbook! Also: @JacobC - top notch post. I feel like it deserves more than a 'like' so I'm giving it a full-on compliment. I'm still laughing about "she-dirt"
  15. It was very irresponsible of us, as a league, to allow ms. muffins to draft brady and gronk. for shame.
  16. Here's an analysis of our teams from a secret website that I can't disclose. I really dropped the ball (get it?) for having the 1st pick. No surprise, Hayes 'mr. freakingnomics' davenport, has the best team. ALSO - I put a poll up on the site. I'll leave it up until Mon and whatever the people decide by then will be it. Get out and vote people! You kids these days...
  17. I only took the patriots defense to make lizmuffins mad and now I regret it.
  18. nobody wants vincent jackson. @liz ill trade you edelman for brady and julio jones
  19. Are these 2 guys who have a podcast about music? I can't imagine there would be an ad or a mural that big for something like that, but I also can't imagine these 2 guys being anything other than 2 music journalists with a podcast.