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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. Sorry broseph. It was you whose email I couldn't find, not the other guy. You should have it now. That just leaves....NORM!
  2. SteveH

    Episode 247 — Guy Ritchie's Back

    I agree with this. Can we start a change.org petition or something to get Hayes to be a regular fill-in host? It might even be better if he filled in for Kulap when she's out, given his hosting abilities and knowledge of the show. I don't see gender, so I can't think of any reason why that shouldn't be allowed to happen.
  3. don't support your boyfriend's mancave construction. You can't even imagine what goes on in those places. So happy my cave days are behind me. Also, is the theme of his mancave the movie Hugo? If so, awesome clock.
  4. before the draft would be good.
  5. RIP Jordy's ACL. I need email addresses from 2 of you...I believe it's Norm and the whitebutstillhip guy. Did you all get an email from DraftKings about the $$$ (except Norm and WBSH because i dont think i ever sent it to you bc i couldnt find your email)
  6. Are we discussing Hayes' incredible guest spot on who charted here? I don't want to go all the way over to the who charted forums. I don't really know anyone there...maybe if someone wants to come with me update: I just drove by there, and it turns out they don't even have a thread created for this ep. Just another example of Mr. Scripps trying to silence Hayes and Sean, the true bad boys of Earwolf podcasts.
  7. Hey welcome to deadwood handbook a prospectors guide to picking nuts and hopping trains in the red carpet lined yak carriages of this industry we call cowbiz
  8. and while you're at it, check out a Foot Locker too. Geez...
  9. since WTF is part of the Howl family now, shouldn't there be a forum for it? I wanna jump in there and become like the greggy of WTF forums. I'm sure regular WTF forum posters would be a real fun bunch pow i just shit my pants
  10. can someone please do a photoshop thing and put Sean in Deadwood. Come on nerds, it's your time to shine.
  11. elizamuffins I was gonna say pretty much the same thing you did about maybe I should stop listening with my son in the car, so now I have nothing to say except that this was a very funny ep and I laughed out loud (L'ed OL). also, AndyDickCheney - where do you work? Are you the only guy in there, or are all the other employees just like "ooh there goes ADC again, makin one of his crazy phone videos for his american podcast friends" ?
  12. Yes. In fact, that will be a rule. If you don't set your line-up, you'll be REPLACE(ment)d..Here comes aregular! That was 2 jokes.
  13. League business: 1. Please submit suggestions for trophies/awards 2. When should we have the draft? I don't know how to coordinate this. People are going to be upset because there are different time zones and people with weird jobs 3. Also, we should do money, right? how much? 10? 20? 25? $500?
  14. I really enjoy reading the first few sentences of a really long post and then realizing it's just the 1st page of Moby Dick (for example) verbatim. I don't feel like it was a waste of time or anything like that!
  15. Hey Monsterface - I know you're too cool to post on the forums bc you have a podcast and stuff now but I wanted you to know that I'm a big fan of your music. The first song of yours that I heard was the legendary "the day colt Barton met Shaq". I know it's a joke song but I honestly love it. I just googled "colt Barton met Shaq" and it actually brought me to your soundcloud page. "Mykel" is really really good. I just listened to it 3 times in a row. Anyway, I've been listening for a lot of Sun Kil Moon lately (maybe I'm depressed?) and That one line in "colt Barton" where you say "I can still remember that day" reminds me a lot of Marky Koz/Sun Kil Moon. I think you should do more solo acoustic stuff. Maybe get a nylon string guitar, have something terrible happen in your life and move into an isolated cabin? Just a thought. Your fan, SteveH P.s. Colt Barton and Kittens, you guys are dead to me. Good night.
  16. That all depends. We have 12 now, but one of those people is "Hayes Davenport". It could be the real Hayes, or it could be an imposter. IF ITS AN IMPOSTER, I SURE HOPE YOU FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOURSELF TAKING POOR KEVINS SPOT IN THE LEAGUE WITH YOUR SHENNANIGANS.
  17. believe me about what? This thread is becoming very confusing to me lately.
  18. What's happening with your username? Did you go through some kind of metamorphosis
  19. I'm watching Deadwood. Does Sean kind of look like Timothy Elephants?