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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. What did I lie about? I would never lie. The H in SteveH stands for honest
  2. Not to worry.. I just tweeted at them for the questions thing on who charted (they're guest next week)', and asked them to join the league. Between me and muffins, I think we got this.
  3. I'll bring some of my sass to the next hangout fo sho
  4. very nice. I think you have the best shot of winning them over. A tweet from some dude in his mid twenties-early thirties asking 2 guys who host a podcast to join his fantasy football league probably wouldn't go over as well.
  5. watch out guys. We've got a real trash talker here.
  6. all you guys who've actually appeared on the show are too good for the forums now. We get it. You don't need to pander to us and try to fit in like "hey i'm just a regular guy. just like you!" It's fine. It really is. You're probably really busy. I mean, the yacht up-keep alone is pretty much a full time job.
  7. we don't have to kick anyone out. There are 10 people. Auto-Sean and Auto-Hayes would be 11 and 12. I'm going to put it to a vote on the fantasy site. rock the vote http://games.espn.go.com/ffl/leagueoffice?leagueId=157520&seasonId=2015
  8. I enjoyed this immensely And I liked it because it was entertaining, smart funny nice cool, not just because it's the first piece of EARWOLF forum fiction that I appeared in and wasn't the embodiment of pure evil, or got killed.
  9. I made the mistake of deciding to listen to Benji by Sun Kil Moon before bed. Gonna cry myself to sleep now. Adam Sachs just gave out his email on the Howl thread. Maybe someone wants to send him a dick pic? Just an idea. I'd do it, but I'm too depressed now.
  10. That is a very intriguing idea.
  11. That's most likely what's going to happen.
  12. You're in. no PPR. We now have 10 teams! Just have to wait for Sean and Hayes to sign up and we're good to go. You should read my inspiring League Manager's Note. It will light a fire under you that burns with the heat of a thousand suns and will leave you wondering how you ever could have considered auto-draft. But, either way, doesn't really matter.
  13. this just blew my mind. Do you think there will be internet archaeologists that excavate sites that were abandoned hundreds or thousands of years ago?
  14. oh man. that's what I call a slow burn I must be a pork shoulder because I just got slow roasted baby
  15. SteveH

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    ohh Claudiodoughtery
  16. As a dad, I can say that that is most certainly a dad joke, and it's glorious
  17. SteveH

    EPISODE 370 — The Brochelor

    This is really great, but I just have one suggestion
  18. I'm a huge supporter of Howl. We have meetings every week. The location rotates between Scott Anchormans, Adam Sachs, Jeff Ullrich's, and then on the 4th week we do it at Codys house. Next week is my turn to bring the snacks. We call ourselves the Howligans
  19. I thought we were in a feud. I'm feuding. If you can't stand the heat...well, you know what to do
  20. SteveH


    Nerd alert
  21. SteveH

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    I'd like to hear Billy Eichner, and I'd say that's a real possibility since he's another difficult person.
  22. Have I been posting wrong? Sorry, let me try to do it right. UHHH hey uh JeffreyParties don't I know you in real life DUUUHHHH ERRRRR great first post. That not a cannon UHHH making fun of new posters look at my impression Dog picture BETTER?
  23. SteveH

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    I mean their real moms who raised them, playing it completely straight. Sean and Hayes would still be in character of course.
  24. SteveH

    Who is your HH dream guest?

    Sean and/or Hayes' moms