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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. I'm starting a new business venture and looking for investors, if any of you are interested. It's called MidTroll. We match internet trolls with with great advertisers who understand the unique benefits offered by disgusting, hateful internet trolls. Sure, brands are advertising on websites, facebook and twitter, but is their brand getting enough exposure in the comments sections of those websites? It's a vast untapped market. To quote the great Daniel Plainview, "There's a whole ocean of oil under our feet." Here's how it works. I'm just going to go on Facebook and click on the comments section for the first post I see in the my feed that could be even mildly controversial. Basically, anything that anyone could conceivably have some kind of opinion on. More importantly, an opinion that can be developed in under 1 second based on reading only the headline of the post. ..3 seconds later... Oh! Here's one! It's a post from late night comedy talk show personality, Conan O'Brien Now I'll just scroll through the comments section. Hold on this may take a min...oh! there's one. Now here's a guy, Dale Schumaker, making a lot of interesting points and eliciting reactions from fans of a very popular television show. How do we monetize that? MidTroll.That's how. For example, maybe his post could say "FREEEE FREEE I want everything free because I'm a socialist! But you know what's not free? Squarespace. Although it is very reasonable at only $9.99/month. Making a website is hard. Trust me. I'm really,really fucking stupid. With SquareSpace, it's easy! Just click on the troll icon at the top of the page and enter the code 'iThinkCallingSomeoneAsocialistIsAnInsult' at checkout to get your first month free!"
  2. SteveH


    Scott- You've probably run screaming from this forum by now, but can you give us any 'sclusies about new shows that are in the works or coming down the pipe/pike (other than what was already mentioned on the CBB ep)?
  3. SteveH


    I've been pro-Howl and trying to get on Scotts good side so maybe he invites me to Thanskgiving or sends me a t-shirt or something, BUT IF YOU TAKE AWAY THE FORUMS....OH MAN..OOOOOH ILL BE STEAMED. of course I don't have all the facts about that so I'll wait until I do and can develop a more informed opinion. I hope everyone is having a pleasant evening.
  4. 9 people now, guys. 3 spots left. but of course sean and hayes will join so its really only one spot
  5. This accusation is unfair, fallacious, salacious, and downright ostentatious. I submit evidence to the contrary: Although this is extremely embarrassing for me, but not surprising to anyone, you can't argue with the fact that nearly 85% of all my posts on Earwolf occurred in this very forum
  6. you know who else tries to guess the celeb in between first and last name? Sean and Hayes.
  7. SteveH


    He was probably listening to Seth Godin's Start up School, that sly dog
  8. This episode was very special to me as someone who, as a teenager, was obsessed with dave matthews, and is now, as a person in their early 30s, obsessed with Hollywood Handbook. Mikey Bones - how much you selling that pro version for bro?
  9. Hayes saying 'What?' when Sean says 'Ahhh Kie' (ok) was funnier than it should have been. It was like a 4th wall breaking moment, or like when Lauren Linney looks up at the camera and yells "Do something!" in that big scene in Truman's show. Have a nice day everyone update: I was going to edit my post because I accidentally put "Lauren" Linney by mistake, but then I realized there are no mistakes, only hilarious opportunities to mispronounce things and get people's names wrong.
  10. SteveH


    I feel like I must be Thom Yorke because this forum is full of paranoid androids
  11. SteveH


    The first time I spoke to Jeff Ullrich was November of 1963. It was right around Thanskgiving. I had a lot of work to do at the book depository that day in preparation for the impending school break. I was up on the 6th floor, depositing some books when I encountered a man, sitting by a window. When he saw me he gave a warm smile and said, "working hard, or hardly working?" I just smiled, politely, and continued depositing my books. I could feel his gaze on me. A cold chill that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up, even in the stifling heat of an un-air conditioned government building on a Dallas afternoon. "Some day, there will be a company that sells audiobooks online. Im going to start a separate company that helps podcasts sell ad space for companies like the one that sells the audiobooks.." I just nodded and smiled again, moving on to the 7th floor because this guy was kind of freaking me out now. Frankly, I don't even now how it's possible that I remember what he said to me, as there was no context for it at the time. As I exited the elevator to the 7th floor, I heard the shot ring out. And that was the first time i spoke to Jeff Ullrich.
  12. Oh boy. Things just got way worse on the Howl thread. I won't say anymore for fear of being banned. Correction: things just got 100 times better. Handbook formers never disappoint.
  13. SteveH


    Joe, if everyone asked questions like you, the Internet would be a wonderful place. Unfortunately, I read through this entire thread.
  14. SteveH

    EPISODE 370 — The Brochelor

    But seriously, Android users are second class citizens. RIGHT GUYS?
  15. SteveH


    If I were Scott today, by this point I would have just shut down Earwolf entirely. You can keep your precious old eps for free forever but every show is canceled now that I know these are the people that are listening. Geez, you guys...
  16. SteveH


    I #standwithscott on this. Nothing changes as far as your daily podcast consumption routine. Wake up on Monday - eat a frozen burrito, maybe some chicken applesauce - download and listen to CBB, Spont, WTF and whatever else you've always listened to on your sad morning commute. Tuesday, of course, you DL and listen to Hollywood Handbook, and so on throughout the week. If you want to listen to an ep from 6 months ago, sure, now you have to subscribe, but with that subscription, you now get MORE CONTENT, BABY. I think it's more than a fair trade-off. Also, just get iPhones people.
  17. Tim Treese is STICKIN IT with a capital K to Scott Anchorman http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/25100-questions-for-scott-re-howl/page__st__40 Seems like he's really upset about HOWL not being available on Android? I don't know why something like that would matter so much to him.
  18. SteveH


    Hi Scott- Long time first time. That's all. Just sayin' "Hi" I'll take my answer off the air.
  19. I've run out of things to watch on TV, so I was going through a list of premiere dates for shows and saw that the final season of DaVinci's Demons is coming up in October. I didn't realize that was a real show. Or is this a teen pope situation?
  20. this is gonna be tough...ok... invisible mime? Kevinvisible? is this some kind of inside joke from the hangout? because I got nothin and you guys know I'm usually spewing liquid hot gold from my fingertips