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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. Hey man, I'm just trying to be a good citizen. Don't want to end up getting "re-assigned" to a different forum.
  2. A ladies' voice just pops in and says "1" or whatever the number is, and I guess you're just on your own trying to track down those footnotes.
  3. yeah he should definitely get way down there and suck on these. I like Tom Brady and I like the Patriots and I don't care who knows it. For some reason, people in the NY/NJ area realllllllly hate the patriots, and I don't totally get it b/c the Giants are not even in the same conference as them (sure, the Jets are in the same division, but no one likes the Jets).
  4. I recently bought the audiobook of Infinite Jest (not really bought - signed up for Audible and took that as my free book. I really showed them, huh?) I know, I'm so original. Definitely the only guy who's been hearing about/being told to read this book for 10 years and never wanting to read it because it's just too long and then they decide to make a movie about David Foster Wallace so I suddenly decide it's time to finally read it. Then i decide I can't read it because I have a job and stuff so I'll listen to the audiobook while I'm in the car. Anyway, that whole boring preamble was just leading up to me saying @valerie bryant, that was my favorite book, and I don't know if I can continue on with Infinite Jest after that. Also, have you considered recording an audio version of it? Don't use a sexy voice or anything, I'm not a pervert. My favorite line, you ask?"Her glistening mound quivers "
  5. maybe the winner gets a t-shirt? and other prizes, like a cool trophy. BUT ONLY ONE PERSON GETS A TROPHY, I DON'T SUBSCRIBE TO THIS 'EVERYONE GETS A TROPHY' PHILOSOPHY LIKE YOU MILLENNIALS AND YOUR SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT. edit: a quick Google search shows that I may actually be one of these millennials, but an old one. I might be the first millennial.
  6. not to be a Judge Thredd or anything, but maybe we should keep the fantasy league talk to the fantasy league forum. I don't want to make people upset with me (again). Let's keep the episode thread for its' intended purpose: talking about the episode,past episodes, episodes of different podcasts, plugging our own podcasts,pictures of our pets and family members, dreams and dream analysis, rap music, tv shows/movies, creative writing, GIFs and photoshops, birthday videos, fashion advice/tips, t-shirts,erotic fiction, mundane details about our daily lives, free-style rapping, not posting, and lots of pun-based humor. OK?
  7. A Message From Commissioner SteveH: Welcome to the first annual Hollywood Handbook Forum Fantasy Football Federation Congratulations on your decision to enter the HHFFFF. This is the first step on a long journey that begins amidst the backdrop of the oppressive heat of late summer. Perhaps you'll peruse the magazine section of your local pharmacy or convenience store and pick up a copy of the ESPN or Sports Illustrated Fantasy Football guide, take it home, and casually flip through the pages on your deck or back porch during the last hours of sunlight, as the crickets and frogs begin singing their nightly lullaby. During this phase of the experience; the pre-draft phase, hot summer days begin to give way to cooler nights. The sun is setting earlier now. In the distance you can hear the din of a lawnmower, the sound of children playing happily. Each cool breeze that cuts through the heat of the summer night a bittersweet reminder that another carefree summer vacation is coming to an end. In a few short days or weeks, it's back to school. back to business. back to football. With that, I welcome you to join me in this journey through the phases and seasons that make up a fantasy football season. In the lazy days of August, we're all undefeated. By the time the holiday season rolls around yet again, some of you will still be standing as champions, yet others limping towards an inevitable defeat. This is the beauty of fantasy football. It's not just a game. Your fantasy football team is a new family member that will be there with you during labor day barbecues, and your child's first day of school. It will be there the first time you feel the crunch of fallen leaves under your feet. It will be there with you amidst the pumpkin patches and hay rides of October. When you need to seek solace from all of the spookiness of Halloween, your team will be there, waiting for you to adjust its' line-up for the 4th time today. When it's time to gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving, as you've been doing every year for your entire life, you can smile to yourself and think, "I have some new family members this year. I don't need to share them with anyone else, and if they disappoint me on Thanksgiving (as real family tends to do), I can drop them with the push of a button and let someone else deal with them because I AM NOT doing this again on Christmas." The only "War on Christmas" is week 16 of the NFL season. The fantasy football superbowl. The true reason for the season. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. This is water. Today we celebrate our independence. Stay thirsty, my friends.
  8. it's been a lifelong struggle. Even I don't really know how to pronounce it. When we got married, my wife was saying she was going to take my name just bc she wants to have the same last name as our son. 2+ years later and no update on that...
  9. Yep that what is is. Send me your email
  10. It was weird listening to RSS after I started listening to HH. I think in the first ep of RSS Sean tells that story about how the office where the write workaholics shared a parking lot with a target and he found all those stray cats and was telling people to go rescue That was strange to hear.
  11. 1 taker so far, guys. things are really heating up.
  12. I think it's safe to say this is the forum with the most content being created.
  13. is this an episode of Great Bits?
  14. yeah but fantasy football is for nerds and nerds is cool now and jocks is pumping our gas, so you might want to re-think that. [apologies to the forum elders for quoting Sean. I know it's frowned upon, but seemed called for in this particular situation]
  15. http://forum.earwolf.com/topic/24964-hollywood-handbook-forum-fantasy-football-federation/
  16. I'm so punk rock that I don't even like this show, but I listen to it every week, and even re-listen to old episodes fairly often. I'm so punk rock that I don't even like this show, but I still post on the forums every day about how much I like it (but mostly I just post about unrelated topics, which is also punk rock). I'm so punk rock I work in an office and don't have any tattoos or piercings. I'm so fucking punk rock that I play the acoustic guitar and own a banjo that I barely know how to play. That's how fucking punk rock I am.
  17. http://gothamist.com/2015/08/10/ryan_adams_t_swift.php Is anyone else REALLY excited about this?
  18. It took me a long time to figure out why that cartoon crab was familiar to me and I was confused by all those pics. I'm very dumb. Also, i really think they just need to do ' GreaseNose, our close engineer'. I know they did the engineer ep, but Cody wasn't even there (you guys can't fool me!). I'm looking for 40 minutes of straight up shitbird jockstrap GreaseNose
  19. this picture is called, "2 more days til the new Hollywood Handbook ep? Let's go to the fuckin park, I guess"
  20. They did this last week. Mike, Still Our Close Friend. DUH!
  21. My darkest roll? That time I took ecstasy during a power outage. Not a very good joke, but quantity over quality, right guys? seriously though - my darkest role was when I played Munchkin #3 in my 5th grade class play. It was the Wizard of Oz, but it was about New Jersey (I think it was called the wizard of menlo park, which is what they called Tommy Edison). I had to wear all orange, so I had an orange t-shirt and one of those bright orange hats for hunting. My line was something about 'New Jersey is 55% forestland", but my line reading on it was "New Jersey is 55% forest LAND" (emphasis on the 'wrong' syllable). The teachers kept asking me why I was saying it like that, and told me to say it like a normal person, but I couldn't do it. Was I really a bad actor, or was I bringing something to the role that they weren't ready for? Like a young Christopher Walken. So now every time I see a forest or orange hunting gear, or anything relating to the wizard of oz, I break out in a cold sweat. If someone brings those little munchkin donuts into the office, I jump when I see the box and usually run out of the room. One time I just poured the entire box of donuts into my mouth and starting screaming "FOREST LAND FOREST LAND FOREST LAND" over and over and then I jumped out the window and ran home. It was like 15 miles on a busy highway too.
  22. Bread Stark Tiramisu Lannister Flan Snow Ladyfinger Khaleesis pieces GOOD NIGHT!