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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. SteveH

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    Still waiting for an answer on this. And no, I won't just google it.
  2. I was always confused by this movie when it came out when I was a kid, and remain confused to this day. Who is Yahoo Serious? Is that the actor's name or the character's name? Is he literally supposed to be a young einstein? If so, would his name be Albert Einstein? I even remember watching it on TV and was still jsut as confused. Now that we live in the internet age, I could easily just look this up, but I'd rather just start a rousing discussion on the ol' boards P.S. did you know that Albert Brooks' real name is Albert Einstein? Crazy right? Update: Turns out this isn't a very interesting conversation topic, so I looked it up. The guy's real name is Yahoo Serious. He changed it. To that I say, "AhYoo Serious?"
  3. Oh yeah, that's much better. I tried the dis tracks thing with Tim Treese a while back but it didn't really pan out. I guess he always knew he'd be a star someday.
  4. Dear Diorama- how do you like your new shoebox? that old New Balance box was on it's last legs and you deserve better, so now you're a box that some sweet fucking red wing boots came in. I hope you're enjoying the extra space. I decided not to fill the extra space with any more plastic plants for fish tanks, lego guys, cotton ball clouds, construction paper or anything like that. It was too cluttered in there so I just rearranged everything so it has a cleaner, more nordic look. You've been such a cool Diorama to me for all these years. My only regret is that I didn't have that red wing boots box when I entered you into the science fair. We could have gotten a straight up A, instead of an A- !! Oh, well. You live and you learn. Sincerely yours, SteveH
  5. Hayley Davenport Huntley is in the new season of Review. Did you guys know that? huh?
  6. SteveH

    What guest do you want to see?

    what about Kyle Mooney. How come he's never on anything? he think he's too good or something?
  7. Can I put heroin in my butt?
  8. just listen to one of your favorite HH eps again. OR a bonus CBB, but no such luck this week my friend. OR assuming you don't listen to every single podcast on the day that it comes out, your options are almost unlimited. Also, Sinbad on WTF. I haven't listened but I can say that it's not even remotely as entertaining as his appearance on The HH
  9. I don't think anyone has mentioned the Salton Sea bit from this ep. The little piano, the whispering latin phrases, the girl who sings ring around the rosie. Comedy gold. but also reallllllly scary!!
  10. start HH over again from ep 1. that's what I did, but now I'm done with that. so what do I DO now??
  11. are you 14? are you even allowed to be on this site? somtimes theres explicit language. Really fucking explicit
  12. Sound like a Kilborne wannabe from the glory days of sportscenter "JUMANJI!"
  13. I think I might like the trivago guy. I have no idea who Katie brown is or what she's workshopping, but I dont like the sound of it.
  14. My favorite class was Stoneage Stereotypes. We just watched movies and read books that had like humans and dinosaurs living together and just talked about how that's not what happened. edit: I want to make it clear that this was a real class that I took. I was not having a loff.
  15. i really do. Wait a minute, is this an AMA?
  16. Maybe this is my podcast. I just talk about a different person that I hate every week. Steve Harvey Kevin Smith Bob Zmuda Chelsea Handler Kevin Pollack
  17. Allow me to field this question, as I hold a degree in anthropology and thus am qualified to speak on such matters with authority. humans and chimpanzees have a shared ancestor that lived millions of years ago. both were evolved from that. Humans did not evolve from apes or even monkeys, as Mr. Harvey would have you believe. Furthermore, monkeys and apes are separates species. Fun fact: monkeys have tails. apes don't. I have office hours on Thursdays and Fridays from 2-5. I would also recommend you buy my book, "This is Why We Still Got Monkeys, Steve Harvey". It's 3 pages long.
  18. Oh no. I made the mistake of looking this up too, now I hate this guy even more. This guy actually went on TV and said "why we still got monkeys?" as an argument against evolution? We still got monkeys for the same reason we still got birds and we still got lizards and we still got rabbits.
  19. SteveH

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    pssst (guys, I think this is one of those coneheads)
  20. I just used Square Cash and had a very pleasant user experience.
  21. SteveH

    Hot, fresh popquestion

    Actually, keep starting new threads and maybe we can coax Judge Threadd out of his chambers. I really wanna see a face-off between Judge Threadd and Judge Judy.
  22. SteveH


    Scott and Jason swap hosting duties for at least one ep of their podcasts. If the league is still even on, Scott plays Rafi in one episode, Jason hosts one ep of CBB TV show