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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. SteveH

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    please explain the difference between washed and unwashed sperm. Further, please explain the process of washing sperm. I'll take my answer of the air.
  2. SteveH

    The Massachusetts Memo Pad

    why is California the only place where they add 'the' in front of the highway numbers? Or is that a west coast thing? Chanson, do they do that on your island? If I told someone to take the 22 to the 78 and get on the 287 north, I would sound like a crazy person. I think this thread may have just turned into The Regional Record
  3. I'll keep adding to this as I think of them because I have a lot of strong (negative) feelings about a lot of celebrities that I have very little knowledge of. Steve Harvey - this guy is a complete and total narcissist/sociopath disguised as a guy who cares about, and tries to help people. Why does he think he's qualified to give people advice about their lives? who is this guy? why do people have problems and think 'i better ask Steve Harvey about this'? Also, they did a segment with him on CBS Sunday Morning (I'm an old guy), and of course he's very religious and thinks his success is proof that god exists so, Steve Harvey, #1 most horrible person on earth. I'm going to get out ahead of this: don't say 'what about hitler or any of the 20 different guys that did mass shootings this year or ted cruz" Some people are so terrible it's not worth talking about (Donald Trump) I really went on a rant there and had to edit that post. It looked like Sean typed it Also, I'm constantly have to fight with him over website usernames.
  4. SteveH

    So, Midroll got acquired by EW Scripps

    The amount of times Adam used "content" in that post has to be a joke, right? He's having a laugh?
  5. I wish I hadn't seen that. He just gets worse and worse.
  6. She doesn't look like the type of lady who would put up with a guy who only wears hockey jerseys, and talks about comic books. Maybe she likes him because he just discovered weed when he was like 48 and he talks about it all the time like he's a freshman in high school
  7. I don't understand reddit but I'll do it. Maybe as publicity for my new podcast
  8. Based on Greggys description of himself, I'm pretty sure he's Kevin Smith. Which means Silent Bob is Greggy on Engineer Cody Boys shoulders with a big trench coat.
  9. SteveH

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    i think the 3rd gender would have genitalia like the cardboard in a roll of paper towels. It would be cylindrical so it could go inside furginas, but would also have a large opening for wieners to go in
  10. SteveH


    Scott and Jason perform at an event at UCB or wherever. They just talk like they do in the 1st segment on CBB. Jason starts shutting down everything Scott says. Scott starts to get annoyed... MUSIC CUE: "Journey to the Center of Eternity" by Ozzy or something like that. A wrestling ring is rolled onto the stage. All of the lights go out except for the one hanging above the ring. Scott and Jason disappear. An announcer guy in a tuxedo comes out. Introduces them by their wrestling names (I'll leave it to them to choose their names, theme music and wrestling outfits) A championship wrestling match ensues. This tension between Scott and Jason has been building for so long, this is the only way. Maybe some Earwolf celebrities will also be there as the ref, or their manager. Maybe someone will come out and hit someone with a steel chair.
  11. SteveH

    The Massachusetts Memo Pad

    i'll bet it gets cold in the winter too, huh
  12. i really want someone to make a video of the K-cup movie. I totally would, but I don't have a Keurig at home and my office has some shitty knock-off version that uses these weird bags (maybe they can be cast in the sequel, or be introduced as an antagonist at some point?) Also: Should I start a podcast? Everyone else on the forum has one. I'm more of a lone wolf so I was thinking of a Scharpling style cast - unnecessarily long. I'll do a 5 minute intro song, and then take long musical breaks as well. I'll have conversations with people who are off mic. Oh, and dead air. Lots of dead air. Just the absence of sound that occurs when I'm thinking of what to say. I don't know if I can take callers, because who would call?
  13. GRRRRREAT Ep. I'm a tony tiger man now. I think I could listen to a "best" show length weekly, or even daily, podcast of just Sean and Hayes interacting with Cody. There's so much good stuff on Cody Boy's tweeter feed, they had to cut his tweet about 'finally learning how to eat shrimp' for time. Also cut for time: Cody is the real Silent Bob, a Vine of him dancing with what appears to be an electric toothbrush in his mouth (he probably thought it was a microphone when he ordered it) a series Vines of him putting coffee and butter in a blender and pouring it over ice into a stemless wine glass (he seems very confused in this one. Does he think that's how you make milkshakes?) a Vine from 2 years ago seeming to suggest he quit smoking. I'd love an update on that a link to a Canadian pharmacy. I'd click it, but I'm scared since I'm at work. Probably where he orders his triple-stacked zorros that barely scratches the surface
  14. CFSL hasn't been posting here much, so I just wanted to leave this here for everyone to enjoy as much as I did.
  15. This is the winner. I literally have tears in my eyes from laughing at this.
  16. Heyyyyy We're the brother lovers Les moonves Big brother Look out he's watching you And we love it Ooooooooh
  17. SteveH

    EPISODE 365 — Bongo vs. Bongos

    I learned an important lesson today. And that lesson is: don't waste your time coming up with 'best of' lists prematurely. Now the whole thing has to be redone.
  18. SteveH

    Hot, fresh popquestion

    Stop with all these rogue threads Judge Thredd is coming for you.
  19. SteveH


    I'll second that.
  20. who's the guest tomorrow? anyone got any hot tips?
  21. SteveH

    Hello I have a popcorn related question

    I asked the best PCG question to Kumail, and probably the best question of all time so we're not accepting any more at this point. Please keep checking back in case we have any openings.
  22. SteveH

    EPISODE 363 — Wet Hot Crew

    I think that's it. I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my chest region
  23. SteveH


    Be a guest on the CBB podcast 3 times Get hired by Earwolf as Part Time Comedy Alchemist and Chief of Chuckles and Development (all I ask in return is $125K/year, relocation services, 401K, health insurance, 5 weeks paid vacation, 23% discount on my verizon bill and on-site child care) dinner party and a solid hang at Scott's house Jason join twitter for 1 month and have to reply to every tweet at him
  24. Sorry to Oberst your bubble? That's not very good