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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    They have a lot of Indian food near me, but I don't think there are Indian sandwiches
  2. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    I used to work with a bunch of people who were in Toledo and they all seemed miserable and old. Is that accurate?
  3. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    I once had a breakfast sandwich that had a hash brown on it, and this was years before Taco Bell made it cool Also, here in NJ and some surrounding areas we have a delicious regional processed nitrate filled meat food called pork roll that is traditionally eaten for breakfast on a sandwich, usually a bagel, called the "pork roll egg and cheese". For some reason this meat product never made it very far past NJ.
  4. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Β· Forumers expressed surprise, pride and envy (the 7 deadly sins) upon learning of fellow forumers promotion from fan to guest (this will not be interesting to you, Andrew) Β· Dixon made the most incredible/unsettling photoshop yet Β· A Bear was cranky about something I think (salmon too slippery?) Β· Jakal had a few zingers Β· Witty Llama made a questionable choice with one of her posts, but she means well Β· Tim Treese made a crazy fucking joke about the cretaceous era. So good Β· MBoP was piiiiiissed Β· Chanson is buying a condo on Hayes Court in Davenport, IA. We’re all invited to a housewarming bbq is September (details to follow) Β· Some creepy app that makes all your pictures look like nightmare caterpillars. Try to avoid that. Β· Veebs started some for real-real talk. People shared their darkest life experiences and emotions. It was a bummer. Β· Engineer Brett posted something Β· Blink made his 182nd post (get it?) Β· Tyler had a triple kegger in old rick field. Some people went, but no one’s really talking about it. I think something weird went down. Β· Spunky had a few gems. One about boiled pizza was particularly enjoyable. Β· A funny Bernie Sanders/NBA 2K mash up happened Β· Some Swedish guy showed up. I don’t really get it. Β· BoScout is dead. Joe McGurl needs a new bro amendment: Andrew, you should know that your presence was requested to help reign in an alarming number of rogue threads that have been popping up.
  5. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    who the hell are these guys? oooh wait..is the guy with the mustache the one who was on 2 eps of HH? I don't know the other guy.
  6. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    I'm not looking for any bros right now. thanks though.
  7. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Sadly, I didn't become a fan until after he was born. I already have my names list ready for the next kid: BOY: Hayes, Sean, Dave N. Port, Clemente, Mark, Nigel, Earwolf man Jack, Verbatim Vic, Blenjamin, Frankingstein GIRL: Mimby, Steffi, Carrie-Ann, Brooke, Mackiemore
  8. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    probably sometime after he stops thinking any rectangular electronics object is a phone.
  9. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    His name is Nathan. He was born on August 29th, 2013 at 6:54 PM and was 8 lbs. For the first few months of his life he couldn't sit up, or even lift up his own head. He would just lie there and cry a lot. Over time he gained the ability to hold up his own head, sit up, crawl, and eventually walk. He can even talk, sort of. He appeared on Hollywood Handbook episode 78, Listeners Again, Our Close Friends - in which Hayes gave him an encouraging speech on how he shouldn't get too upset by the fact that his father listens to podcasts and posts on forums all day when he should be paying attention to him. He also was sort of mentioned on episode 86 - Ross Matthews, when his father received the pro version and the prize was parenting advice from Ross Matthews. He currently resides in Edison, New Jersey with his parents, and enjoys Sesame Street, The Wiggles, reading "bookies", coloring, going down the slide, and dumping water out of cups onto the table. Fun fact: His father often listens to Hollywood Handbook when they are in the car, and when Nathan hears the intro ("hey, welcome to hollywood handbook, etc..."), he says "Heyyyy....Bookie!"
  10. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    This is truly a dream come true for me as a dad, lover of dad-rock, cat owner and nerd. Update: as a follow-up on the dad-rock discussion from last week or whenever that was, I'm listening to the Tame Impala album and it's awesome so I'm cool now. Bye!
  11. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Did you guys hear about Old Rick
  12. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    why wait that long? I guess there's a lot of administrative stuff to go through when you're letting a terrorist organization take over for the president. Background checks, drug screenings, sending all those offer letters, filling out the w-4s and I-9s, payroll, direct deposit. Not to mention all the IT stuff...giving the terrorists access to any programs or apps that they'll need, creating email addresses for them, making sure they're all set up with lap tops and smart phones.. It's a big job but I'm confident Obama can do it. He's gotten a lot of stuff done lately. Here's to a smooth transition!
  13. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    do you guys remember when Colt Barton met Shaq in at a Hooters in Phoenix?
  14. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    did you join the forums just to make that joke? I bet we'll never hear from Blink again, and I would be fine with that. Not that there's anything wrong with you, it would just be totally worth it for that amazing joke.
  15. SteveH

    Hayes sighting?

    Hey. Not in this forum, buddy. Take it outside.
  16. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    I think it's engineer cody boy. I remember sean or hayes making reference to it at some point. Even if they never mentioned it, if I had to guess which of the 3 engineers was most likely to dip, I'm going with Engineer cody boy every time. speaking of noises - i just re-listened to the Seth Morris episode and I think he was banging on the table throughout the whole episode and it was kind of annoying. The guy has the Bob Ducca podcast and Talkin Turkey, you'd think he would know the rules of proper sound etiquette. Anyone else want to nitpick about annoying background sounds?
  17. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    It's a whole thing. Just google "DiaperGate" there's probably a Wikipedia page at least. I think Atlantic Monthly did an op Ed too
  18. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    I just want to point out that we're at 330 posts already and there are like 5 people with more posts than me. This is not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not. My. Fault P.s. Dude I fuckin hate Tyler. He hooked up with Masons girlfriend that one time and he totally just got her real drunk and fingered her. She was probably asleep. Mason was all fucked up, he didn't hang out for like 3 days
  19. This episode taught me that the spirit of giving is still alive in today's fast-paced society. Here are 2 guys - both successful entertainment industry figures, who bought tickets to 2 U2 concerts. They ended up getting hooked up with free VIP tickets for both nights, and somehow were able to find it within their hearts to sell their old tickets for a mere $175 to some kids. The kindness and generosity that Scott displayed nearly moved me to tears. Nearly. I did NOT cry. OK?
  20. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    my parents got divorced when I was like 23. who does that?
  21. I listened to the first segment so far and it's great. But Scott kept saying they'd be back in a moment, and then I got stuck in it and I can't get out. also - my favorite rectum TV show is Rectum Ralph
  22. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Why is everyone either from Boston or Australia on this forum
  23. SteveH

    EPISODE 92 β€” Fans, Our Close Fans

    Marry Rupert Grint bc it's legal now Fuck Richard Gere to try to dislodge that gerbil or guinea pig Marry Meg Ryan bc she's nice Michelle Pfieffer is probably a wizard