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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. I haven't seen Jurassic World yet, but I'm going to spoil it for everyone: There is a big dinosaur in it. Everyone thought it would be a great idea to open the park back up because of money, but then the dinosaurs went crazy and chased people. It rained. This time all of the gates and stuff are powered by wi-fi. Jake Johnson is a computers man and his friend Mr. Schmidt comes over and trips over the router and the wifi goes down and the dinos go crazy. They're really mad because they all have twitter accounts now and they can't tweet. Chris Pratt does a big punch on a dinosaur. The dino gets stunned by the punch and Lauren Lapkus plugs the router back in and says "Yummmmy!" They all do a high five. Freeze frame. THE END.
  2. Did I say that? What a dick
  3. anyway..enough with the pictures of pets, children and food. Neil Campbell is great, and I've wanted to hear him on the show for a long time. What happened with Erin Whitehead though? If she did cancel, I believe that makes her the 2nd of these wild horses to cancel last minute. Guess that's what's so wild about them... OR was this one of Hayes' classic pranks?
  4. I thought Niall was a made up name. Then I saw a house for sale sign this weekend and the realtors name was Niall. Then I just google Niall and it turns out a One Direction guy has that name. I have a cousin named Nye (his mom is British). Speak on that.
  5. I'm about to #breaktheforum with some pics y'all ...and here they are. The in-laws got a new puppy. She's 7 weeks old. So here are pictures of my almost 2 year old son with a puppy. This is the first puppy he'd ever met and this is the cutest thing that's maybe ever happened.
  6. You need to clean your mouse. It's real dirty. Other than that, nice pics!
  7. Hey guys- I have a new pic bc it's summertime and I'm cool now so I wear shades. Just didn't want anyone to get scared.
  8. Andrew, you bloomin old codger. You cheeky old wally. You went and got yourself on the show! Keep Calm and kick butt and drop names
  9. Hi Everyone- There will be a new episode of the Hollywood Handbook podcast tomorrow. You guys should check it out. I think you'd like it.
  10. SteveH

    EPISODE 356 — Heynong Man

    This was an absolute delight. ooooooh weeeee
  11. speaking of that. Am I in or what? I've got what it takes. -Odelot Amynthzu #GargoyleBoyz
  12. Hi Erin- If you were at a business lunch and ordered a rare steak and they brought it to you well-done, what would you do? Have you ever located your bizarro counterpart? Nire Blackhead?
  13. guys, this is a historic week on the forums. My mom is here visiting from NC and my wife's aunt & little cousin (she's a whiz on the computer) coming tomorrow. I'm a little concerned about missing out on some great forum content because I'll be "entertaining" all weekend. Should I just put my mom on a train back home? I live like 2 minutes from the train station. Sincerely, Steve H.
  14. I will take this under consideration. Can we think about changing the name? How about.. Forumers Against Organized Scary Cool Hellish Winged Architectural Rock Thingies Z-boys OR Forumers Really Interested in Ending Nighmarish Devil Spawn
  15. I noticed that, and I really do appreciate it.
  16. Jeffrey, I'm concerned you may be parties too much.
  17. Why am I always the embodiment of pure evil in these stories? I just wanted to be a gargoyles boyz! Guess it's time to decide which rival gang to join.
  18. *clink clink* A couple of coins landed in the filthy, disgusting hobos cup. "thanks asshole" the hobo muttered as he watched the man with the popped jacket collar stride along the dark city streets. He saw him spit a toothpick from his mouth as he passed underneath a streetlight. The hobo knew the streets. He had seen thousands of people walk by, listened to their conversations, smelled their axe body spray. This one was different. He lacked the care-free, happy wanderer vibe that the hobo knew all too well. Something was weighing on this guy. He wasn't living in the same blissful ignorance that most of the morons in the city enjoyed. The hobo reached into his shopping cart and pulled out an iphone 7. "Siri, call Tiny Kev". "are you sure?" asked Siri. "just do what I ask Siri, I'm not having this argument again" replied The Hobo. "who is this?" Tiny Kev answered the phone. "This is the call you've been waiting for" said the voice on the other end of the line. "how did you get this number? this is a burner phone. I just bought it an hour ago". "Good." said the voice, "Unfortunately for you, you're going to have to buy another one immediately after this call." Tiny Kev's breathing became shallow. Sweat formed on his brow. He had heard stories about this back in the clubhouse, but didn't think he would ever get this call. "put on your fanciest wifebeater, you're headed to Chateau Marmont. It's time." CLICK Tiny Kev, hands shaking, fumbled in his pockets to find his trusty blunt lighter and proceeded to burn the sim card on his burner phone. Things were about to change for the Gargoyle Boyz.
  19. Yeah good stories guys. So...I'm in the gargoyle boys now, right? Seems like a good fit for me. I can send you a copy of my resume or whatever. Just let me know. Cool. Full disclosure: I do have offers from the goblin guys, the van buren boys, Sasquatch squad, friends of Frankingsteins, the skelington crew, mummy mafia, children of the corn boyz, the Polter-guys,,and the babadooks of hazard
  20. Everyone knows that making small talk about the weather is the worst. But arguing about the weather? Well, that is a horse of a different color my friends (brown). Dixon, I'm sure you could win any weather argument being from New Orleans, but that's all the more reason to argue. This probably isn't the right place for this discussion though. I'm gonna jump on the weather channel message boards and making fun of people's favorite dew points and barometric pressure readings. -Odelot Amynthzu #GargoyleBoyz
  21. I'm gonna pile on here. I'm a beast from the east and the summers here are so disgusting and humid and you can't breathe and it smells like hot garbage and your [redacted]s are always sticking to your leg. So needless to say, I'm offended. and don't you DARE say anything about rain or cloudiness. I would choose rain over 94 degrees and 100% humidity with a heat index of 108 any day and I would love it. I would LOVE IT. RE: the potatoes - Sorry. That was out of line.
  22. That was a beautiful story. Best book I've read in years. I count it as a book.