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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. I thought engineer Rashid was Wyatt Cenac until I looked at the pic in the show page. Yo, is that racist?
  2. SteveH

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    GroupMembers Active Posts32 (0.05 per day) Most Active InHollywood Handbook (20 posts) Profile Views386 Member TitleAdvanced Member AgeAge Unknown BirthdayBirthday Unknown GenderNot Telling Not Telling Location Seoul Interests I dont do bits..just life.
  3. SteveH

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Did anyone else think Bang Rodgman sounded like he was on the phone? I see him there in the picture, so he must have been in the room, unless some photoshopping trickster got their mitts on those photos. Engineer Cody Boy, can you speak on that? Edit: Oh man, I did the Sean and Hayes schtick. I fell right into the trap.
  4. SteveH

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    Chanson, do you think Engineer Trapson was a subtle shout out to you? I would if I were you, and I would tell everyone about it.
  5. we'll refer to him as British Andrew or Judge Thredd in order to avoid confusion
  6. I apologize in advance for making 3 posts in a row. I promise this won't be another DiaperDandyGate. But, I found him! He was over in the CBB forum and apparently he's a real Gelmaniac now. Just thought you guys would want to know.
  7. oof, I just got back from the CBB forums and I might as well have been under that bridge with Anthony Keidis because there were some trolls there (points). Think I'll stay over here.
  8. SteveH

    EPISODE 351 — CBB: The Movie

    there is some palpable tension already on this forum, as expected. Tanks but no tanks.
  9. I was really confused for a good 3-5 minutes because there wasn't a new thread for the episode. Then I thought "oh, you big goofball, there's no new thread because this show isn't hollywood handbook it's comedy bang bang" HAHAHAHA. also, Hayes and Sean trotting out all of the greatest hits right off the bat. Farmy Brat, Skelingtons, screens, etc...
  10. I didn't know Nick Krolls billionaire dad paid for him to be funny! According to this lady, he even used his money to get the lead role in Hollywood blockbuster Adult Beginners, and also paid to have him write and direct it. I wish my dad was a billionaire and he could pay to make me funny when I'm doing improv. I can't imagine the technology these billionaires must have access to.
  11. If I were a betting man, I'd put my money on no guest. Someone cancelled, and now they're going to put together some weird Sean and Hayes version of a best of ep. I'll put $20 on that action. Who's in?
  12. What ever happened to OcterDoctopus Edit: sorry I thought this was Google
  13. Monsterface did you take a stand up comedy class? You're lighting this forum on fire right now!
  14. Watch yourself. Edit: can we refer to it as DiaperGate from now on?
  15. Happy Bday Brett Anyway, more useless thoughts from me on things I like... I like the whole vibe of the 2nd PFT ep. It's right around the holidays and I think 4 different people wander into the studio during the recording. It really has that whole 'week of Xmas everything is totally relaxed around the office people are standing around talking no one cares eating holiday treats not really working bc tomorrow is Xmas and the office is closed to fuck it' kind of feel. Do you guys know that feel?
  16. Im getting lazy, and this won't be useful at all because I'm not mentioning specific clips or episodes, at this point im just saying things that I like about the show: Any one of Sean's controversial opinions that make Hayes uncomfortable because he doesnt want to take a position on it. The war of northern aggression shakespeare didn't write his own plays Sean's atheism (Hayes eventually gives in on that one) Am I forgetting one? Stray Observations (i work for the AVclub) would like to hear a supercut of all of Hayes' stifled laughter, nose snort thing he does. Not because I would enjoy listening to it, I'd just be more interested in seeing how long of a clip it would end up being. Same goes for all the "mmmm" and mmmhmmm"s For some reason people yelling off-mic on a podcast is always hilarious (Hayes getting mad and letting Brett do the TF, Sean during the Cards Ads). Also, whichever ep it was when Sean was saying that Hayes is smiling at him a lot when they do the show and it's scary because he can see his teeth and teeth are part of a skelington
  17. The Jersey Boys Teaser Freezer - " a lot of times in movies, I feel like I'm being ignored by the characters"/ "this is the first polite movie every made" "what if a cartoon cactus was screaming that they love that record. They sort of are roller skating in and they're outta control on the skates, maybe they passed over an oil slick..." Just every second of this whole segment is amazing Edit: Being from New Jersey, I can attest that this trailer pretty much captures what's it's like here in a nutshell. people who aren't from Jersey don't.know.jersey. "if you do that, then you gotta be from somebody else"
  18. SteveH

    #1 Handsome Boy Contest

    #1 gorgeous dweebster?
  19. I hope this isn't because Scott Anchorman is making you put together a reel as part of your CBB audition process.
  20. I like when they talk about Chris Hardwick (the points guy. Do you know about this guy? The nerd?) Sean describing the plot of the girl with the pearl earring ("stolen by a mean crab") When Sean says he's a "pussy nerd" on the 2nd PFT ep When Hayes talks to my son on the 2nd call in show Sean being upset about th cappuccino chips in the bday boys ep Did nobody mention Dave "the noid" Holmes yet? I'm not doing time stamps. I don't work for EARWOLF.
  21. I did a thing with that too. It may have even been after yours, but Hayes liked it on the forum soooo.... It's in my signature
  22. SteveH

    #1 Handsome Boy Contest

    If this is a #2 handsome boy contest then I'm in
  23. I like this Hayes N Sean, he's full of grit and moxy to boot. We could all learn a little something about sticking to your guns from this young man.
  24. SteveH

    #1 Handsome Boy Contest

    I won't participate in this until Joe Mc gives it his official blessing.