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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. I didn't have much choice but to lease. It's a long story... so I'll tell it now: The heat was stifling. Late summer in New Jersey can be cruel. The air is so thick with humidity you can hold it in your hand. I was driving my very pregnant wife to her OB check-up. Less than two weeks until that creature living in her belly is scheduled to emerge. At that time, I was in a stylish Japanese hatchback that I had purchased about 3 years prior and was still making payments on. The check-up went fine. Everything's normal. Back in the stylish hatchback. We decided we'd stop at a diner for a late breakfast on our way home. She's eating for two after all. CRASH I was stunned and disoriented. A cloud of chemical powder enveloped me. By the time I figured out what was going on, my wife had already ran out of the car and was sitting on the curb crying. A woman emerges from a large German SUV. You know the type. She had run a stop sign and T-boned us. The ol' T-bone. I could hear her say "i'm so sorry! my kids were yelling in the back seat!" She then turned to her daughter, who couldn't have been more than 5, and said "See what happens when you don't behave in the car?" I can't imagine the psychological damage that will inflict on that poor girl. She thinks it's her fault that her mom plowed into a small car carrying a woman who's 9 months pregnant. Everyone is fine. Just some minor scratches. I yelled at the lady. An ambulance took my wife to the ER just to be safe. I stayed behind until the cops came to deal with that. They wouldn't tow my car to the place I wanted them to, and I yelled at him too. I even threw my keys at him. I can't believe I didn't get arrested. It was a very emotional time. Anyway, I was still making payments on the car so the insurance basically only covered what I still owed on it. So now I had no money and no car. I had nothing to make a big down payment, so financing wouldn't be possible unless I want to pay $500 a month (I didn't). Hence, a car was leased. epilogue: When I got the police report from the accident, the address of the woman who hit us was on there. I recognized the street as an affluent area. It was pretty close, so I took a ride by just out of curiosity. Not only did she live on a street full of expensive houses, she lived in the biggest house on a street full of big houses. So a millionaire T-boned us, had very little damage to her car, and all I got out of it was $9K, which is what I owed on the car. The end.
  2. I lease a Nissan Rogue for $264.99 a month.
  3. I'm like 100 miles from Philly, so I'll keep an eye out too.
  4. I got married in Portland. Speak on that too please.
  5. how much is everyone's car payment?
  6. Even though the votes say I should do this, I won't, because it's gross. I would like to let you all know that my pinky looks like two-face from the batman movie. I hope it's not evil. The other side of my pinky is no Harvey Dent so I'll really be screwed.
  7. Right now nothing bc I live with my In-laws house in a sick ass upstairs condo. We're moving in 2 weeks though, and the rent will be $870 which is unbelievably cheap for NJ, so wish me luck.
  8. Oh here's one of them now ^
  9. your username makes me think you might be O.J. Simpson. are you him?
  10. handbook heads- don't forget that close friend of the show, Mikal Cronin's new album Mc3 is out today. Also, the new My Morning Jacket album is out and it's really good...finally.
  11. one more thing: Do you guys want me to post an 'un-boxing video' of me taking the bandage off of my gross pinky that I sliced off last week? Doesn't seem fair that Tim gets to post his video once a week while I'm just sitting here like a jerk. We should probably do a vote. So like this post if you want me to post the video or quote it and say gross dont do that you weirdo if you don't
  12. this was a funny ep. Although I have to say, I really felt like the pro-version was coming my way this week so I'm pretty bummed. I completely forgot that the pen 15 club was a thing, so thank you to Sean for bringing back wonderful elementary school memories. also, my favorite ad was the one for the saturn ion. that's all. bye.
  13. Devscoots, let's get down to it. Australia has sensible gun laws because a bad thing happened once and they fixed it. Please explain why the U.S. is dumb and Australia is nice and smart. Never mind. That question is too heavy for the forum. Devscoots- I made shrimp on the grill tonight (this is 100% true). How would you describe what I did in your native dialect? Thank you.
  14. I had a pretty bad childhood. I got tricked into holding a tiny skelington once: But I was also straight up boys with Mickey Mouse: full disclosure: 5 minutes after this photo was taken, I was molested by Mickey Mouse.
  15. Hey guys- another like from Hayes. No big deal or anything. It's like it happens so much it's just part of my routine. Just a day in the life. Super casual. Totally chill. Whatevs bro.
  16. Is there only one fat clown? True ADPPP is the exception because he is a national treasure. Also it was just one ep with each character. I'll have to re-listen to the W&WotW. I don't remember it too well and I'm running out of pcasts
  17. I don't think I can accept this. The LL podcast is hit or miss, and I'm really not a fan of the CBB "spin-off" podcasts. It's kind of overkill with those characters and just never as funny as when they're on CBB. I find spomtaneatiin to be a refreshing breeze. Interesting format, and his interviews are a true delight. I'll admit the improv part isn't always hilarious, but nothing is. PFT is a delightful man and I won't sit here and listen to someone say they've fallen out of love. For shame.
  18. I like a lot of things though. It didn't suggest I be friends with everyone who likes Bob Dylan or Michael Jordan. There's somebody in the wires (besides me. I'm in here but I don't know what's going on)
  19. Why does Facebook want me to be friends with a lot of you even though we have no mutual friends? How do they know??
  20. Makes me think of swimfan... What a film
  21. Hey guys, so 500 posts and I guess I'm in the wires now? Did this happen to anyone else?
  22. who's responsible for these vile beasts?
  23. I came dangerously close to choking on my big gulp diet cola drink in the car during the whole "fig" discussion. You know when you have a beverage in your mouth and you can't swallow it because you're loffing too much? That went on for what seemed like 5 full minutes and I almost started panicking.