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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. Also, he thinks there are only seven swans. Uh, hey, Sufjan? There are a lot more swans than that. While you're learning about the letter J and geography, why don't you try going to a park or something. This guy
  2. I could watch this all day. Bravo.
  3. I know about homonyms and stuff because I was an English minor in college so...
  4. You got me. I hereby ban myself from the forum for 1 week. Edit: I didn't say which forum
  5. I think your first mistake is that you're looking at the wrong dealership. Wrong country even. The show was at the Riverside, CA Volvo dealership, and it was great. I taped it, if you want to do any trades. Quality is great. Taped right from soundboard.
  6. we don't talk about that show over here. At least not until Sean and Hayes appear on it.
  7. I'd like to point out that there were jokes within jokes here so what we're dealing with is a true genius. See how he said "explained it 4 you"? What I think he did there is used the number four instead of the word "for". This is called a homonym, which is funny by itself, but Jacob took it one step further. He made 4 separate posts when he was at 996 to get to 1000. Still don't get it? 1000-996=...... 4.
  8. Do you think they can get Mary back in there for more PG questions? I feel like a lot of important questions went unanswered and she does kind of owe them/us. Also, this just came to my attention and I would love for her to speak on it: If you do a google image search on Mary Holland, a lot of pictures of an underwear lady come up and also a lot of pictures is lady gaga. Mary are you lady gaga? How do you explain this?
  9. I've seen this before...probably at the grocery store checkout. Why wouldn't you just buy a pre-made cake? It seems weird to hate making cake so much that instead of buying a cake made by a pro, you'd just dump a pile of shit in a bowl and cook it. And their has to be a better name. How about rustic cakes? Cake bowls? American dessert piles? freedom piles
  10. Well now I'm really intrigued. I'll get to the bottom of this.
  11. Guys, this was a sincere question. I appreciate the likes, but likes don't answer questions do they?
  12. Also..this was definitely Sam's break out ep. Not quite Cody caliber, but that's not possible so it was pretty good.
  13. What is the deal with these scratch off tickets? I've listened to every ep and can't remember hearing anyone talk about them, yet they are present in every photo and now they're even in a virtual reality world
  14. I won't say great first post because that's Joe McGurl's territory, but I WILL say great user name!
  15. Don't feel bad Skizelo. I asked a very similar question (VERY similar), which they did mention on the show but I did not get credit for it, yet again. This is the second time guys. You'll be hearing from my attorney. That aside, this was a great episode. I can almost forgive her for canceling twice.
  16. I'm scared. Get this fucking guy on the show boys! I don't think she's fucking around.
  17. Is it time to renew their contract again? Might be time to get Scott anchorman and this new guy in there.
  18. Kittens, I find you endlessly fascinating. What's in the case at the foot of your bed?
  19. So it's already 4/20 and still no Sean nor Hayes on CBB. They have some weirdo instead. I'm calling for an all out boycott. Let's hit them where it hurts- right in the numbers update: I boycotted CBB from 6:30 AM to 8:30 AM and I really think they got the message.
  20. This is so embarrassing for me...
  21. What if there was a douche guy who wore too much stinky body spray that was a murderer and they called him the AXE murderer
  22. Have you guys seen these DirectTV commercials with the talking horse?? Oh man... SO. RANDO.