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Everything posted by SteveH

  1. My son even got on and he's a baby. That must hurt.
  2. monsterface- you calling in? this hold music is too scary. Am I being pranked?
  3. a robot told me i could listen to the show while waiting. Where am I supposed to do that?
  4. Does this mean you can listen to the show live tomorrow? I remember being very confused during the first call in show when they were talking about being able to hear themselves because this is podcasts not radio
  5. SteveH

    What are forum for?

    What are forums for? They're for... umm...
  6. in this pic you look like a mix between Edward Norton and that guy from the Real World a long time ago in London that got his tongue bit off. points.
  7. The distinguished senator from Nevada, Welcome. I hope your eye heals nicely.
  8. http://www.theswiftcast.com/ I think we should all get caught up on this podcast and become regular forum posters.
  9. It's definitely legit. It just gives me a weird feeling and I don't know why. YOU GUYS DONT UNDERSTAND ME AND YOU NEVER WILL! P.s. Now I am yelling
  10. Yes, other EARWOLF forums. It's all different people that post in them and they're all talking about the actual podcast that the subforum is about. It's just bizarre to hypothetically browse the forum for Spontaneanation and hypothetically see someone like a monster face in there. These are all purely examples and nothing more. Edit: for some reason my iPad automatically capitalizes EARWOLF. I'm not yelling
  11. does anyone else get a weird feeling when you see regular HH forum posters in other forums? I was going to call someone out today but I decided to treat it as if it was real life and we saw each other at the proctologist office or an AA meeting or something.
  12. Careful Brett. Don't give those tablets too much power. I don't want to hear Engineer Siri getting belittled by Sean and Hayes, or Two Charted with Kulap, Howard and Siri.
  13. Maybe, but she turned out to be a wonderful young woman nonetheless. This is not a personal one, but I saw this on the internet a while back and thought it was genius: New Parent Idea: 1. Take pictures of you pulling baby out of spacecraft in forest. 2. Hide pictures in attic for kid to find when he's 10.
  14. Important backstory: my wife's father was very young to be a dad (19 when she was born), and he also enjoyed having some drinkies. One night in December when my wife was probably 6 or so, he came home late at night (presumably having had some drinkies). He woke up my wife, seeming frantic "you'll never believe what happened while I was driving home. It's snowing out and I couldn't see very well. Long story short- I hit Santa Claus with my car and I think he's dead." Pranks but no pranks? I don't know, that one didn't happen to me and it is pretty hilarious.
  15. I couldn't sleep last night because of that damn skelington. I was totally spooked!
  16. Agreed. I'm laughing out loud* alone right now just from reading your post. *I refuse to say LOL** because I'm a grownup **oops
  17. Dom's wearing an LA Poker classic hat? Not only does this scuzzle character have him trying beer and doing purple drank, but he's GAMBLING now too? What's next? I hope Sean shows up at the next poker tournament and drags Dom out by his ear. This guy should be grounded at the very least. Despicable.
  18. This was a great funny episode, but I do have one huge grievance that needs to be aired. Sean read my pcorn gallery question, but did not give me credit for it. Everything falls apart without Hayes. Being acknowledged on podcasts is one of the few small pleasures I get out of life, and today it was taken from me...SEAN.
  19. I took a walk over there. There's one post in the thread for the most recent episode, and guess who it is? That's right. Chandler bing.com I have a weird feeling now
  20. I would like to say that I enjoy what the boys have been doing lately with the popcorn gallery. I like how the theme (which is GREAT) just comes out of nowhere and everyone acts surprised.