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Everything posted by skizelo

  1. WIll Sean guesthost next w/ Hayes as cohost, or vica versa?
  2. Betsy, do you know that in some parts of the country, they call you Betsy Fizzypopro. Just a little name-based humour. Why do you have such a hard-to-spell twitter handle, does it keep out the scrubs?
  3. What's your favourite grammar? Mine is TV's Doctor Fraiser Crane and "the boss", Kelsy Grammer. But what about the other meaning, the rules on which we build our language? - Teach Hochstatler.
  4. we're getting a fax! *the whole office crowds around a dusty machine for 3 minutes as it spits the word "CONGRATULATE" onto a clean sheet of A4.
  5. You gotta pay the vax tax. dont show off your hacks, like lax Max, instead show him your backs.
  6. "These guys, one of their speed-bumps, was to eat an ice-cream cone. Some people hear that, think that's maybe a joke"
  7. In that episode, Sean speaks on how he calls Erin "Gobson" because he had too many Gibsons in his life, and in THIS episode, Erin mentions how her ex-husband ALSO called her "Gobson", as a goof. Now putting two and two together, I can say... great minds think alike?
  8. i listened to the little esther epi again and she was just perfect w/ the show. i feel it got overshadowed by Haye's holding deal goof but it's like, the most HH show.
  9. what sort of dogs and also were the dogs under the close watch of their trainers or was it just a feral pack trapped in a room
  10. So what are we sending the boys for a letter or package?
  11. It was a great impression. Good guest segment and I always love the teaser freezer. I love the boys doing close reading on a bit of media, reminds me of the good old RSS days. Engineer Cody would have let them slam those mics into the table.
  12. Roll up the arms to reveal a HH shoulder-tattoo
  13. I thought that was a photoshop joke but it's true!
  14. Just like Sean on his new medicine.
  15. i'm relistening to the epi and I heard Sean congratulating Hayes on wearing "extra-nerdy glasses" He looks like a programmer from the 80s.
  16. They should do this one week just to fuck over those who cant tell their voices apart. e: can Sean's frail frame containt a Hayes-level laugh? Can Hayes uh... do what, Sean... does. e2: have cats. Can hayes have 5 cats.
  17. Jes, how do you think Paulie Sure felt when insurance firm E-Sure looked elsewhere for their spokesperson.
  18. i just finished watching Those People (hayes thing he did w/ conde nast. it's a webseries) and i'd say that 1) Hayes face should be a show 2) maybe a little too much reliance on really heavy gross noises 3) i feel the punchlines are the weakest part. i hate punchlines. 4) unless they make a second... series? then it's canon that the woman died from drinking too much water.
  19. Truly disgusting. Yeah it was, and that gave me a good idea for the next PCG Q.-sesh, whenever that may be. I'll ask about "laycation" where you just lock-in the whole week for a monster fuckathon. I'd ask the guest if they had heard about that.
  20. Good reaction gif dixon, could you go thru Hayes' webseries and pull something similar from that? Anyway, could anyone tell me which epi had the round of "you want to feel old/young"? they mentioned the artist, if that helps.
  21. If one of the forum people has lowered your like-limit to like, 5, i'd just like to say to them that they get a lol from me. I feel guilty that we didn't cover HH more.
  22. by pointing one webcam at a monitor we should be able to have both hangouts chatting to each other in cacophonous feedback.
  23. i applaused and then booed... whatta rush!